Pope appears at the window, blesses the faithful in silence
Vatican City (AsiaNews) John Paul II tried once again to speak to the faithful who had gathered in St Peter's square on the day traditionally devoted to the papal general audience.
Appearing at the window of his study, the Holy Father greeted the pilgrims waving his hands.
When a microphone was brought so that he could speak he could do nothing more than make some hoarse sounds. His silent appearance lasted five minutes.
There were great expectations to see the Pope after his troubled silence during the Way of the Cross on Good Friday and the Urbi et Orbi blessing on Easter Sunday.
This morning, without any prior notification, the giant screens in St Peter's Square announced that John Paul II would appear "at 11 am to bless the faithful". Before the appointed time several thousands of faithful gathered in the square.
Shortly after 11 am, John Paul II appeared, looking thinner, his face marked by pain. An aide out of view read brief remarks in Italian and German and the Pope blessed everyone at the end of the greetings.
When the Pope's secretary Father Mietek brought the microphone, John Paul II tried to say a few words, but they were inaudible to those present. The microphone was then taken away and the Pope withdrew. Still, the crowd in St Peter's applauded for long time.
The tracheotomy performed on the Pontiff last February 24 is forcing him into a long period of silence during which he is undergoing breathing and voice rehabilitation therapy.