10/28/2005, 00.00
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Vatican adds its voice to condemnation against Ahmadinejad

In a statement, the Holy See reiterates its opposition to acts of violence and reprisal and once again urges governments to seek peace through dialogue.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – The Vatican has added its voice to international condemnation of the Iranian president who said he wanted Israel "wiped off" the face of the earth. A statement released tonight by the director of the Vatican press office, Joaquin Navarro, also condemned the "terrorist attack on Madera and consequent reprisals". This latest violence prompted the Holy See to renew its admonitions against "acts and choices of division and death" and to call once again on governments of the Middle East to "commit themselves with courage and determination to creating the minimum conditions necessary for resumption of dialogue, the only way to assure a future of peace and prosperity for the sons of that land".

Navarro's statement reads: "The serious events unfolding in recent days in the Holy Land are of great concern to the Holy See, which joins the entire international community in expressing firm condemnation for the acts of violence, the terrorist attack on Hadera and consequent reprisals, by whoever they are committed, as well as for certain, particularly serious and unacceptable statements which deny the State of Israel's right to existence.

"On this occasion, the Holy See reaffirms the right of both Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and security, each in their own sovereign state. At the same time, the Holy See feels it has the duty to renew its appeal to leaders of all the peoples of the Middle East to take heed of the yearning for peace and justice of the people, to avoid acts and choices of division and death and to commit themselves with courage and determination to creating the minimum conditions necessary for resumption of dialogue, the only way ahead to assure a future of peace and prosperity for the sons of that land".

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