03/30/2022, 09.17
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Russia targets expat loyalties

by Vladimir Rozanskij

Proposed amendment to the law requiring them to know Russian.  A "blood and soul" loyalty to the homeland as a response to the "Russophobia" that has grown after the attack on Ukraine. The defence of the rights of "compatriots" will be increased through political, legal, social and religious representation in foreign countries.



Moscow (AsiaNews) - Konstantin Zatulin, first deputy chairman of the Moscow Duma's committee for the affairs of the post-Soviet "Commonwealth of Independent States", has submitted to parliament an amendment to the law on the "state policy of the Russian Federation towards compatriots abroad". The main change is the compulsory requirement for all Russians abroad to 'possess the state language', namely Russian.

This is one of the necessary global redefinitions of the "Russian world", not so much in its extension, but in its faithful determination, so as to enable the Moscow authorities to act legally and constitutionally in defence of their compatriots anywhere on the globe. The law to which Zatulin refers has been in force for more than 20 years, but appears to have been overtaken by recent events, which introduce other features into the specification of 'Russians abroad' and their ties with the motherland.

The reference to the former Soviet citizenship, which gave access to current Russian citizenship, is removed from the text, since 'in the 30 years since the end of the USSR, a new generation of compatriots has grown up'. Today they are defined as 'persons residing abroad in possession of the Russian language, originating from peoples historically living on the territory of Russia, who have freely made a choice in favour of spiritual, cultural and legal relations with Russia, and whose direct lineal ancestors were born or have previously lived on Russian territory'.

A loyalty of "blood and soul", combining "Soviet" derivations with recent emigration in new historical and social categories to be applied on a case-by-case basis, also regularising those who have taken on different citizenships or who have remained without citizenship due to an interruption in Russian and Soviet ties. The possession of the language is decisive, as Zatulin explained, in order to "activate the constitutional obligation of the Russian State to guarantee the common Russian cultural identity". This new definition of "compatriots" will allow Russia to intervene abroad with all the necessary procedures, depending on the circumstances, today particularly exacerbated by the spread of "Russophobia" as a consequence of the war in Ukraine, but in fact already widespread in many parts of the world, as denounced in recent days by many Russian politicians.

A list of Russia's 'historical peoples' is proposed, starting with Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, then the 'nationalities within the Russian Federation', the 'minorities scattered throughout the territory' and finally 'other historically associated peoples', a category that would open the way to any ethnic group that could justify a 'spiritual harmony' with the Russians on all continents.

The defence of the rights of "compatriots" will push Russians to increase their political, juridical, social and religious representations, as is already happening with the various structures of the Moscow Patriarchate in Asia, Africa and many other countries. Among the "real Russians" abroad it will be possible to select the candidates for these representations, and also to control those who would like to unjustly appropriate the identity, distinguishing everywhere the "authentic people" from the fake one, according to the expression that came into vogue thanks to the military operation in Ukraine.

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