08/21/2024, 14.00
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Pope: anointing of the Spirit lead us to perfume the world with Christ

In his weekly Wednesday catechesis, recalling today's feast of St. Pius X, Francis addressed a thought for all catechists and catechists: “They work so hard, in some parts of the world they are the first to carry out the faith: may the Lord give them courage.” The invitation to continue praying for peace in the Holy Land, Ukraine and other war-torn parts of the world.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Christians are called to spread “the good odor of Christ in the world.” Pope Francis explained this today while addressing the faithful present in the Paul VI Hall for the weekly Wednesday audience.

Continuing the cycle of catechesis dedicated to the Holy Spirit, Francis commented on Jesus' words, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; therefore he has anointed me” (Lk. 4:18). In the baptism in the Jordan River,” the pontiff commented, ‘God the Father ’anointed with the Holy Spirit,' that is, He anointed Jesus as King, Prophet and Priest. In fact, with fragrant oil kings, prophets and priests were anointed in the Old Testament. In the case of Christ, instead of physical oil, there is spiritual oil, which is the Holy Spirit; instead of symbol there is reality.”

“Jesus,” the pope continued, ”was filled with the Holy Spirit from the first moment of his Incarnation. That, however, was a 'personal grace,' incommunicable; now, instead, he receives the fullness of the gift of the Spirit for his mission which, as head, he will communicate to his body which is the Church. Therefore, the Church is the new 'royal, prophetic and priestly people.'

The Hebrew term 'Messiah' and the corresponding Greek term 'Christ,' both referring to Jesus, mean 'anointed one.' Will our very name 'Christians' be explained by the Fathers in the literal sense of 'anointed in imitation of Christ?”

Besides through the wind, then, the Spirit is also symbolized by oil. What does this teach us? The pope responded by quoting the Holy Thursday Mass oration during which the bishop, consecrating the oil known as “Chrism,” says referring to those who will receive the anointing in Baptism and Confirmation,

“May this anointing penetrate and sanctify them, so that, freed from their native corruption and consecrated temple of his glory, they may spread the fragrance of a holy life.”

“We know that, unfortunately, sometimes Christians do not spread the fragrance of Christ,” Francis commented, ”but the bad smell of their own sin. This, however, should not distract us from the commitment to realize, as much as we can and each one in his own environment, this sublime vocation of being the good odor of Christ in the world.

The fragrance of Christ is given off by the “fruits of the Spirit,” which are 'love, joy, peace, magnanimity, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control' (Gal 5:22). If we strive to cultivate these fruits,” he concluded, ”then, without our being aware of it, someone will feel some of the fragrance of Christ's Spirit around us.

Greeting then the groups of pilgrims present, he took the opportunity of today's feast of St. Pius X to address a thought to all our catechists and catechists: “They carry on so much work,” he said, “in some parts of the world they are the first to carry on the faith. Let us pray today for the catechists: may the Lord make them courageous and may they go forward.”

Finally, the pope also renewed today his invitation to continue to pray for peace: “Let us not forget the martyred Ukraine that is suffering so much, let us not forget Myanmar, Su Sudan North Kivu and so many countries that are at war. Let us pray for peace. And let us not forget Palestine and Israel, may there be peace.”  

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