05/02/2004, 00.00
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Pope ordains 26 new priests

Among the priestly candidates was PIME missionary, Fr. Daniele Mazza.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – John Paul II said mass this morning at the ordination of 26 new priests of the diocese of Rome as well as various religious institutions. Among them was PIME missionary, Fr. Daniele Mazza. 

The pope asked the 26 young men to act as Good Shepherds and to bear witness to the resurrected Christ in the third millennium. In this day and age, the pope said, there are "strong cultural tendencies to make people forget about God, especially among youth and in families." 

"But do not be afraid," the pope added. "God will always be with you. With his help you will be able to take roads leading to the hearts of all men and tell them about the Good Shepherd who gave his life for them."

"The Good Shepard has risen from the dead, the one who gave his live for his lambs… Alleluia," the pope said.

Today's liturgy invited faithful to reflect on the meaning of Christ, the Good Shepherd, as the "Lamb of God has redeemed his flock," John Paul II said. The pope reflected on the fact that Christ, the only Son of God, was the Good Shepherd of all mankind who died on the Cross and arose from the dead on the third day.

The pope further said the following words (translation by AsiaNews):

"This is the Good News the Apostles brought to all men, beginning in Jerusalem and inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit (cf. Luke: 24,47-49). This proclamation is still being made, even at the start of the third millennium. It is in the full look of Christ's compassion, as seen in the Resurrected Good Shepherd, that we find the origin of the mystery of priestly vocations within the Church.

My dear deacons, in just a little bit you will become priests. It is this very look of love that gave rise to our call to the priesthood. I welcome and greet each one of your with affection. I send my greetings to Cardinal Vicario, Msgr. Vicegerente, and the members of the Diocesan Episcopal Council.  I greet the Rectors and Superiors of the Pontifical Seminary "Romano Maggiore", the Diocesan Seminary "Redemptoris Mater" and "Almo Collegio Capranica" and "Oblati Figli della Madonna del Divino Amore" and to all those who have cared for your formation. I also send my special greetings to Cardinale Andrzej Maria Deskur and the priestly formation instructors of  "Fraternità sacerdotale dei Figli della Croce".  I salute and thank the superiors and formation staff at the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions."

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to your families, to the priests who formed you and allowed your faith to grow and all those who, together with your parish and ecclesial communities, have helped you discover the "gift and mystery" of your vocation and say yes to the Lord's call.

You all will become priests in an age, even here in Rome, marked by strong cultural tendencies to make people forget about God, especially among youth and in families. But do not be afraid: God will always be with you. With his help you will be able to take roads leading to the hearts of all men and tell them about the Good Shepherd who gave his live for them and that he wants you to participate his mystery of love and salvation."

To carry out such work it is necessary, however, that Jesus be always at the center of your lives and that you remain in intimate union with him through prayer, daily mediation, faithfulness to the liturgy and especially with daily devotion in celebrating the Eucharist. If you are full of God, you will be true apostles of the new evangelization, since no one gives what they do not have deep in their heart."

The pope concluded with the following words of dedication to Mary:

"May Mary, sweet Mother of the Good Shepherd, to whom I urge you to always give filial devotion, accompany you and constantly keep watch over you. Amen."
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