05/10/2005, 00.00
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Local politician uses Qu'ran in elections

People protest demanding offending copies of the Holy Book be withdrawn because of the photo of Indramayu's regent who is running for re-election. "It is an insult to the Holy Book itself and to the faithful."

Indramayu (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Hundreds of people staged a rally outside the Indramayu Council on Monday to protest the publication of the Qu'ran with the picture of Indramayu Regent Irianto MS Syafiuddin inside.

The protesters demanded that the regent apologise to all Muslim people in the country and the world for using the Holy Book as a tool of personal propaganda.

They also called on the police and the prosecutor's office to investigate the case.

Hundreds of posters and banners condemning the regent and other people suspected of being involved in the offending publication were paraded across the city.

More than 4,000 copies of the Qu'ran with a photo of Syafiuddin wearing his official uniform on the first page as well a signed declaration were printed.

"The regent wants to be re-elected [in October] using ways that insult Islam. We can't let this happen," said Didin Wahyudin, the protest coordinator.

Syarif Kasam, chairman of Indramayu Council's A Commission, met the protesters and promised the council would investigate the issue.

Syarif explained that the money—100 million rupiahs (US$ 10,526)—used to publish the Qu'ran likely came from the regency (district) budget.

"The budget is to be used to improve people's welfare, not to for personal political interests. This is a fatal mistake and cannot be ignored," he said.

So far the regent has not responded to his critics. Yesterday, when he learnt of the pending rally before his office, he left.

The protesters gave the administration five days to withdraw the offending copies of the Qu'ran.

Muslim clerics also entered the fray. Adib Rofiudin Izza, head of the lawmaking body of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Muslim organisation, stated that placing a photo or picture in Qu'ran was an insult to Holy Book itself and to the faithful.

"The deed can't be justified, no matter what the reason," he said.

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