02/14/2025, 12.31
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Burmese army's endless war targets Loikaw villages

AsiaNews source: ‘The school and the health centre have been hit, it's the fourth bombing raid against us’. In recent days in Chin State, the cathedral of the newly established diocese of Mindat has also been damaged. Card Bo makes a new appeal for peace: ‘Let us support the displaced, engage in dialogue, oppose injustice’.

Milan (AsiaNews/Agencies) - ‘My village was bombed again yesterday afternoon by the Myanmar army: they hit the school and the health centre. Thank God there were no casualties, but this is the fourth time this has happened. Last year we had two deaths and several injuries. It is a war that no one is winning and there is no end in sight.

The testimony comes from a source of AsiaNews who describes the situation of a village in the diocese of Loikaw, in Kayah State. It is further confirmation of how - despite the weakening of the military junta - the ferocity of its air raids, made possible by the support that Russia and China still offer to the regime, is not stopping in the areas they have lost control of. Like the Kayah State, in fact, where, as we have reported several times, the Catholic community of Loikaw, together with its bishop, Mons. Celso Ba Shwe, is forced to live far from their homes to escape the violence.

On 10 February the Fides news agency reported that the Burmese army had bombed another area, Chin State, in the western part of the country: here the raids hit and severely damaged the Catholic church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Mindat, which had just been chosen as the cathedral of the new diocese of Myanmar of the same name, erected on 25 January by Pope Francis. Here too, no one was injured because the priests and faithful had already left the area due to the lack of security and the ongoing fighting in an area under the control of local militias. A few days earlier – as reported by Fides – local priests had carried out inspections and were discussing the organisation of the upcoming liturgical celebrations for the consecration of the newly appointed bishop, Father Augustine Thang Zawm Hung, until now parish vicar in Mindat.

In the midst of all this suffering, a new appeal for peace was launched in recent days by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, during the celebrations for the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes at the national shrine of Nyaunglaybin. ‘Let us pray that the parties in conflict in Myanmar may one day be reunited at this Marian shrine,’ said the cardinal in his homily. May this sacred place become an oasis of peace and reconciliation, where enemies embrace each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us imagine a Myanmar in which the divisions of war give way to the unity of peace, in which all people can live in harmony and in which Mary, the Mother of Reconciliation, guides our steps towards lasting peace’.

Cardinal Bo also invited everyone to make a vow before Our Lady to commit to three things: ‘Cultivate inner peace, be agents of reconciliation and practise forgiveness’. The Archbishop of Yangon explained these attitudes by indicating some ‘tangible ways to embody the virtues of Mary’ in today's wounded Myanmar: ‘Support displaced families,’ he said, ‘offer assistance through charitable organisations or community initiatives. Your support can provide shelter, education and hope to those who desperately need it. Engage in interfaith activities: promote understanding and respect among different religious traditions, celebrating shared values and common humanitarian goals. Support peace and justice by using your voice to stand up against injustices. Write to your representatives, support policies that promote human rights and educate others on the importance of peace-building efforts.’

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