01/30/2006, 00.00
Syria - Lebanon
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To save himself Assad implicates members of the regime

by Jihad Issa

A secret pact between the Usa and France which foresees an end to Syria's support of Iraq's insurgency.  A Syrian General implicated in the assassination of Hariri. 

Damascus (AsiaNews) – The incrimination of an exponent of the Baathist regime in the assassination of ex Lebanese prime minister Rafic Hariri, the suspension of all support for the Iraqi insurgency and a cooling of ties with Iran.  According Lebanonwire, this is the price that Syrian president Bachar al Assad is prepared to pay in order to stay in power, as outlined in a deal under negotiation with the USA and France.  The negotiation would facilitated by  Saudi Arabia, ready to aid Damascus in its response to mounting international pressure.   General Rustom Ghazaleh and one of his assistants, Jameh Jameh, the figure to be incriminated.

However according to an official cited by the Lebanese daily, Assad is not willing to suspend his support of Hezbollah. For his part, the secretary general of the Shiite movement, Saed Nasrallah, in an indepth interview with Al-Hayat says he is convinced that "Syria had no hand in the killing" of  Hariri and points out that "there have been no investigations into a possible Israeli involvement in the case".

Meanwhile in Damascus, Assad made public the presidential decree which removes from office minister Houssam el-Aswad, member of the progressive democratic party,  considered closet o ex president Abd El Halim Kahaddam, who publicly accused the regime of being involved in the murder of the Lebanese politician.

The Syrian media continues in its coverage of Hamas's victory in Palestinian. The press tend to depict it as a new gesture of "solidarity towards Iran and Syria",  who they say are the last great exponents of the Palestinian cause, " ensuring by all available means a continued resistance to western policies".  Celebrations and demonstrations speak of this "Historic moment in Palestinian history", which would indicated the end of the Oslo accord.   Space is also given to news of Iran, equally satisfied by Hamas's success, "which without doubt will have notable influence on the political climate in Lebanon, Syria and in Iraq".

In some "spontaneous" demonstrations there were calls against American interference in Arab affaire.

The Lebanese government in its weekly cabinet meeting under the lead of prime minister Fouad Siniora, and in the absence of Shiite ministers, gave no official reaction to the outcome of the Palestinian elections, but ministerial sources speak of concern shown by many ministers for the effects Hamas's success will have on the region as a whole.  

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