The train linking North and South will run daily
Seoul (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Starting from December 1 the train linking the two Koreas will run each day, after agreement on the timetable was reached by officials from the North and South.
The convoy will be the first, after 50 years, to cross the heavily guarded border between Seoul and Pyongyang. The accord allowing for the train was reached during meetings between the Prime Ministers from Seoul and Pyongyang, which ended November 17th , the first such meeting since 1992 called for after the historic visit of South Korean president Roh to Pyongyang.
The train will travel the 25 kilometres that divide Minsan, in the south and Bongdong, in the North and will facilitate the transportation of goods to and from the North Korean industrial complex of Kaesong, the first place which sees cross border cooperation.
Up until now there has been no regular train service between the two Koreas. Last May two trains crossed the border in an experimental journey at Seoul’s behest.