07/01/2004, 00.00
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Singh to the Bishops: "With My Government Attacks Against Christians Shall Stop"

New Delhi (AsiaNews) – "Under my government the violence against Christians of recent years will be a thing of the past," said  the new Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, in his meeting with Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India. Singh thanked Indian Christians for rendering "commendable service" in neglected areas of the country.

Heading a Catholic delegation Cardinal Toppo also met Sonia Gandhi, president of the Congress Party, winner of the recent May elections.

The Catholic delegation expressed the Indian church's appreciation for the new government's political programme and pledged the cooperation of Christians in achieving the reforms promised by the new government.

In the day following his appointment, Prime Minister Singh indicated that the priorities of his government included promoting social harmony, rejecting every kind of fundamentalism, improving the welfare of the farming sector, and creating more equitable educational and professional opportunities for the Dalits, also known as Untouchables, and the excluded classes. (LF)

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