Pro-government, Russian nationalist network on the hunt for migrants
Analysts believe that Moscow is funding Russkaya Obshchina, which is active in the Caucasus and many other regions. It does not pursue "racial purity" but extols the idea of the "Russian world", “traditional values,” and the Orthodox Church. "Civilised" nationalists do not simply threaten and beat migrants, they also put pressure on local authorities.
Moscow (AsiaNews) – Recently, a new network of pro-government nationalist groups called Russkaya Obshchina (Русская Община), or Russian Community, have reportedly become very active in the North Caucasus and other regions, intervening in local disputes with migrants from Central Asia and other countries.
Many observers believe that Moscow is behind this, directly funding these posses to put violent pressure on migrants.
According to what is posted on Obshchina websites and literature, the network presents itself as a "project of civic nationalism", which welcomes as "Russians" all those who define themselves as such, irrespective of nationality and ethnicity. It therefore does not extol “racial purity", but is informed by the notion of the "Russian world", upholding "traditional values" and the paramount role of the Orthodox Church.
It all began following the attack on the Krokus City Hall in Moscow last March. By early August, the network had gained prominence during an incident when police and special forces carried out sweeping checks downtown Yekaterinburg, Urals, against street vendors, arresting scores of them.
Russkaya Obshchina “volunteers” (Druzhinniki, дружинники, vigilantes) joined the operation, inviting shoppers to take vendors’ merchandise, especially fruit and vegetables, without distinction between those arrested and those with legal permits, who were forced to flee.
On its Telegram channel, the network claimed that the action was done at the “request of the people” after a Ukraine war veteran in Stavropol launched appeal, accusing local Roma of promoting illegal trade, urging people to end it.
He said he had been involved in a dispute with Roma back in 2016; later, when he went to Ukraine, he said they began to persecute and threaten his wife and family.
This set off a “rapid reaction to provocations" by the Druzhinniki, who not only joined in repressive actions, but made themselves available to "all those who are offended by migrants" explaining how to respond to provocations and ensure necessary support.
Another incident reportedly occurred in Korenovsk, near Krasnodar, in southern Russia, when a group of Kurds allegedly beat some Obshchina activists as well as members of another nationalist group, Severnyy Chelovek (Северный человек) or "Northern Man", who had complained about the excessive volume of the Kurds’ music.
This sparked a big brawl the next day between Kurds, police and activists, who then organised a march shouting "Russia first!" and "Glory to Russia!", without police objecting. Everything was resolved with the arrest of one of the Kurds, who was later charged with disturbing public order.
Eventually, journalists looked into the affair, and spoke to witnesses who said that the Druzhinniki had started it all, slapping and pepper spraying a Kurdish boy named Adam for playing “Arab music" that bothered passers-by.
This kind of incident has been reported in various cities in southern Russia and the Caucasus, highlighting the issue with many trying to emulate Druzhinniki in other Russian cities and regions.
Such “civilised" nationalists have not limited themselves to threatening and beating migrants, but have resorted to putting pressure on local authorities, school principals and the police, to “bring order”.
It is estimated that the Russian Community now includes almost 150 local groups with various "coordinators", and one million followers on its Telegram channel.
11/08/2017 20:05
11/11/2023 19:54