12/31/2023, 15.35
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Pope: How many deaths have been caused by wars this year?

At the Angelus on the last day of 2023 the appeal that "those who have interests in these conflicts should listen to the voice of conscience". On the feast of the Holy Family the invitation to "always defend and support the family, the fundamental cell of society". Benedict XVI's remembrance one year after his death: "He served the Church with love and wisdom, from Heaven he accompanies us".

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "At the end of a year, should we have the courage to ask ourselves how many human lives have been lost by armed conflicts, how many deaths? And how much destruction, how much suffering, how much poverty? Whoever has an interest in these conflicts should listen to the voice of conscience."

This  is the appeal that even on the last day of the year Pope Francis launched from his window on St. Peter's Square in the Angelus of today's Sunday in which the Church celebrates the liturgical feast of the Holy Family.

The pontiff also invited today not to forget the people who suffer because of wars. And together with the tormented Ukraine and the Israeli and Palestinian peoples, he addressed a special thought to the Christians of Nigeria who suffered very serious violence with hundreds of deaths in Plateau State just at Christmas. “I pray for them and their families.”

The pontiff also invited us to remember "the tortured Rohingya", exiles from Myanmar, who in recent days have been victims of attacks in Indonesia.

Celebrating the Holy Family of Nazareth, the pontiff then addressed his blessing to all the families of the world. “Let's not forget that the family is the fundamental cell of society – he added – it must always be defended and supported”.

In his reflection before the Marian prayer, Francis had commented on the Gospel passage of the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, proposed by the liturgy. He observed how as a gift they brought the most humble and simple offering among those provided. And Mary receives the prophecy that "a sword will pierce her soul". “They arrive in poverty and leave with a load of suffering" – commented the pontiff.

"This is surprising: the Family of Jesus, the only family in history that can boast the presence of God in flesh and blood, is poor instead of being rich. Instead of being facilitated, it seems hindered. Instead of being free from fatigue, it is immersed in great pain."

The Pope continued, noting this  reveals something very beautiful: “By choosing a family expert in suffering, Jesus says to our families: 'If you find yourself in difficulty, I know what you feel, I have experienced it: I, my mother and father we tried it to also tell your family: you are not alone'”.

Finally he invited all the families to learn from the families of Nazareth the ability to be amazed. “Knowing how to be amazed first of all by God”, but also “by one's spouse, for example by taking him by the hand and looking into his eyes in the evening for a few moments, with tenderness. And then marvel at the miracle of life, of children, finding time to play with them and listen to them. And marvel at the wisdom and serenity of grandparents, who bring life back to the essentials. Finally, be amazed by your own love story, in which God believes, even when it seems to us that the negative aspects prevail."

Finally, Pope Francis reminded the faithful of the first anniversary of the death of Benedict XVI. “One year ago,” he said, “he concluded his earthly journey after having served the Church with love and wisdom. We feel so much affection for him, so much gratitude, so much admiration. From heaven bless us and accompany us."

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