05/20/2004, 00.00
Vatican - Iraq
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Pope prays for hostages in Iraq and those who die and risk lives on duty

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Today the pope said he is praying hard for an improvement to the world's sad state of affairs, especially for those who have been taken hostage in Iraq and who risk and die while on active duty every day.

While addressing prelates in attendance at the 53rd Plenary Session of the Italian Bishop's Conference, John Paul II again expressed his deep concern for the worsening international climate. "Terrorism, acts of war and human rights violations making life difficult and dangerous across the world are cause for tremendous grief and sorrow," the pope said.

"I continue to turn to Italian bishops to join me in prayer, particularly for those who have been taken hostage in Iraq and for those who risk and lose their lives while fulfilling their duty," he said.

The pontiff then strongly encouraged the efforts of Italian bishops to promote "pilgrimages of peace in the Holy Land" in that " they are strong sign of nearness to and solidarity with the Christian populations living there and who are in great need of our help." 

In the end, in reference to the "Communication and Mission" directory produced by the Conference, John Paul II stressed the negative and positive influence the media can have on public opinion and values: "The deep influence today's media has on our individual and collective attitudes and opinions is often orientated toward a vision of life which, unfortunately, tends to wear down our fundamental moral values –especially those concerning the family."  "The media," the pope added, "however have also been used for various ends and results, (even) notably contributing to affirming positive role models and spreading the Gospel itself."

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