06/26/2024, 13.48
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Pope on drugs: No to liberalisation, those who produce and sell them are murderers

Francis dedicated today's general audience to the World Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. "Let just laws be promoted to help drug addicts". Meaningful words for the continent of the Golden Triangle, but also for the Chinese companies that export the active ingredients for the production of Fentanyl and Duterte's bloody 'war on drugs'.


Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Every drug addict is a person who must be respected in his dignity. However, the idea that liberalizing drug use will reduce dependency "is a fantasy", because "more is consumed". On the contrary, "an act of courage" is needed to fight "this plague that produces violence and sows suffering and death".

This was Pope Francis' message this morning in St. Peter's Square, suspending his catechesis for a week and dedicating his reflection entirely to today's World Day against the Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Drugs, which by will of the United Nations has been celebrated every year since 1987. “We cannot – warned Francis – ignore the evil intentions and actions of drug dealers and traffickers: they are murderers, let us pray for their conversion”.

With production in its infamous golden triangle Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, Asia is one of the places where the connection between drug trafficking and conflict is clearest. In recent years, the issue of the responsibilities of Chinese companies in the production of Fentanyl has also come to the attention of the world. But even the pontiff's clear words against the path of liberalization touch on a topic that has been discussed a lot recently in some countries including Thailand, which after having opened up for "tourist" reasons to the decriminalization of cannabis consumption has recently backtracked.

“Having known many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families - said Francis - I am convinced that it is morally necessary to put an end to the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances”. The pontiff also underlined how drug production and trafficking "also have a destructive impact on our common home. For example, this has become increasingly evident in the Amazon basin."

The fight against drugs cannot, however, be based only on repressive methods, as always in Asia, the case of the Philippines has tragically demonstrated in recent years with Duterte's bloody "war".

For this reason the Pope invites us to follow the path "prevention, which is done by promoting greater justice, educating young people in values that build personal and community life, accompanying those in need, and giving hope for the future. In my journeys in different dioceses and countries, I have been able to visit several recovery communities inspired by the Gospel. They are a strong and hopeful witness to the commitment of priests, consecrated men and women, and lay people to put into practice the parable of the Good Samaritan. So too, I am comforted by the efforts undertaken by various bishops’ conferences to promote just legislation and policies regarding the treatment of people addicted to drug use, and prevention to stop this scourge".

“Faced with the tragic situation of drug addiction of millions of people around the world, faced with the scandal of the production and illicit trafficking of these drugs, we cannot be indifferent – ​​concluded Francis -. The Lord Jesus stopped, came close, cured the wounds. In the style of his closeness, we too are called to act, to stop in front of situations of fragility and pain, to know how to listen to the cry of loneliness and anguish, to bend down to lift up and bring back to new life those who fall into slavery of drugs."

Finally, greeting the faithful, the pontiff recalled the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul which occurs on Saturday 29 June. “Follow their example – he said to the faithful missionary disciples, testifying everywhere to the beauty of the Gospel. We entrust to their intercession the populations suffering from war, the tormented Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, Myanmar so that they can soon find peace".

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