02/04/2021, 11.55
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Pluralism and Pancasila: the fight against mandatory hijab

by Mathias Hariyadi

The daughter of former president Abdurrahman Wahid maintains it is not just a question of "school uniform", but of interference in social life. Three ministers draw up a decalogue against the obligation of the veil. The province of Aceh is an exception. Executive Secretary Kwi approves the initiative and defends the school as a "meeting place".

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - “Let’s not think this is only a matter of school uniform, the prohibition or permission to wear the hijab. It’s more about a trend-setter to cement the majority religion’s ideology and exclusivism with its final objective not just regarding Islamic outfits but social life as a nation,” wrote Alissa Wahid, the daughter of the late President Abdurrahman Wahid.

Wahid is a young lady whose strong contribution to the nation to promote interfaith spirit is undeniable through GusDurian Movement -the fans of Gus Dur club

In the recent issue concerning the obligation to wear the veil imposed on a Christian high school student in Padang, in the province of West Sumatra, and which has raised controversy and protests, the activist speaks bluntly of an act of intolerance.

“Our Ministry for Education and Culture should make clear that school’s environment --despite its majority Muslim students—should not force its non-Muslim student to wear the hijab,” she writes. The reference is to the incident that occurred in mid-January in Padang when Elianu Hia, father of Jenny Hia, opposed the obligation to wear the veil for his non-Muslim daughter.

A case similar to many others in the most populous Muslim nation in the world, but which had so far passed over in silence due to the lack of reporting or fears of repercussions. There are at least 46 non-Muslim students who attend the same school as Jenny Hia, but only the latter's father has fought against the imposition of the mandatory veil during school hours.

In response to the story, the Minister for Education Nadiem Makarim, a devout Muslim married to a Catholic and defender of the principles of state secularism and pluralism sanctioned by the Pancasila, the colleague of the Interior and the holder of Religious Affairs intervened in these hours.

The following points are outlined in the document signed by the three government leaders: school is part of the nation and home to everyone, regardless of ethnicity or religious faith; the decree will be implemented in all state institutions; the choice of uniforms is entrusted to teachers and students, but clothing or clothing that refers to a religion cannot be imposed; schools and local authorities must remove any obligations [such as that relating to hijab] still in force within 30 days; any violations of the new provisions, Minister Makarim concludes, will be punished according to the law and regulations in force, with the sole exception of the province of Aceh, the only one in which the sharia (Islamic law) is in force and which can derogate from these new standards.

Asked by AsiaNews Fr. Heri Wibowo Pr, executive secretary of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (Kwi), applauds the inter-ministerial initiative aimed at promoting pluralism in the country's public schools. “On a personal basis - he adds - I approve and support this movement, which is in line with the spirit of the Pancasila”. And it is nice to think, he concludes, that institutes are places where "students from different backgrounds can meet".

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