06/06/2004, 00.00
Switizerland – Vatican
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"Old" John Paul II kindles youth's faith

"It is time to prepare young apostles and prophets for the mission of the Church"

Berne (AsiaNews) – About 80 thousand people from all over Switzerland and from many European countries participated in a Mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II this morning at the German Square (Berne). The Pope was visibly tired in this 103rd journey, the first of this year, but he gained strength gradually before the welcome and the warmth of the crowd of youth that chanted slogans, applauded and tried to touch the Pope-mobile, overwhelming the security measures. The youth had come together for the national gathering of young Catholics of Switzerland. The Pope had yesterday already met with the youthful crowd and extended to them the invitation of Jesus to "Stand up."  Also this morning at Mass he had words of affection for them "Dear young friends –  Pope John Paul said – know that the Pope loves you and that he  accompanies you with his daily prayer and counts on your collaboration for the sake of the Gospel and encourages you with trust in the way of Christian life.

He invited all Christians, but especially the youth, to rediscover a living faith in Jesus Christ: "What is the truth? Jesus said one day: 'I am the way, the truth and the life' (Jn 14:6). The real question therefore is not,'what is the truth,' rather it is, 'Who is the truth?' Humanity in the Third Millennium asks the same question. Dear Brothers and Sisters, we cannot remain silent because we know the answer! The truth is Jesus Christ, who came into the world to reveal and to give the love of the Father to us. We are called to be witnesses to this truth with our words and especially with out lives!

Dear young people, the Church is mission. Today she still needs 'prophets' who are able to wake up the community of faith in the Word which reveals the God who is rich in mercy (cf. Eph 2:4). The time has come to prepare young generations of apostles who are not afraid to proclaim the gospel. For every baptized personm, it is necessary to pass from a habitual faith to a mature faith that expresses itself in clear, convinced, and courageous personal decisions.

Only this kind of faith that is celebrated and shared  in the liturgy and in fraternal love can nourish and strengthen the community of the disciples of the Lord and build a missionary Church that is free from false fears because it is secure in the love of the Father."

After the end of the Mass at German Square, the Holy Father led the recitation of the Angelus with the faithful in attendance.

Here are the words of the Pope as he introduced the Marian prayer:
"At the end of this celebration, I would like to make a spiritual pilgrimage to so many shrines and churches which are dedicated to Mary also in Switzerland.

I am thinking especially of the Abbey of Einsiedeln, and of the shrines of Our lady of Sasso, of Our Lady of Bourguillon, and Our lady of Vorbourg. From these holy places, Mary watches over the valleys and districts of your country, helping believers to remain constant and grow in the precious treasures of faith, hope and love.

To the Holy Virgin, I renew this entrustment of the Swiss people. May Mary watch over your families, guarding marital love and upholding the mission of parents. May she comfort the aged and help them not to fail to provide society with their precious contribution. May she nourish in the youth the sense of values and also the commitment to pursue them. May she obtain for the whole national community the constant and harmonious will to build together a peaceful and prosperous nation which is at the same time both alert and in solidarity with those who are in difficulty.

To Mary I would like to entrust in a special way the youth of Switzerland whom the Pope regards with affection and gratitude. In fact, for five centuries the youth  of this country have ensured to the successor of Peter and the Holy See the precious and admirable service of the Swiss Pontifical Guards. In the generous fidelity of the Swiss Guards, all can admire the spirit of faith and love for the Church of so many Swiss Catholics.

Last of all,  may the Holy Virgin aid your country in maintaining harmony and unity among the various linguistic and ethnic groups of which it is composed, with respect for the contribution of each of them. With these thoughts, let us together recite the Angelus, which is a wonderful summary of the whole Gospel."

Switzerland is one of the centres of Protestantism. With a population of 7.3 million inhabitants 42.8% are Protestant and 41.2% are Catholic. Some protestant fringe groups and "progressive" Catholics gave expression to their opposition to the Pope.

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