07/02/2022, 15.36
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Missiles fired by Houthis against Saudi and Emirati targets are Iranian-made

This is the conclusion reached by a United Nations investigation. If confirmed, this would breach Security Council Resolution 2231. However, the UN team could not determine whether the weapons were transferred directly from Iran.

New York (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Missiles used by Yemen’s Houthi rebels against Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are Iranian-made, this according to a United Nations fact-finding mission.

The conclusions reached by the UN team are based on the wreckage of nine ballistic missiles, six cruise missiles and some drones.

The mission focused on missile attacks launched by pro-Iranian Houthis against Saudi and Emirati targets in the past two years.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates lead a coalition of Gulf states that militarily supports Yemen’s internationally recognised government, which is opposed to the Houthis.

If confirmed, Iran's shipment of weapons to the Houthis constitutes a breach of UN Resolution 2231, which backs a 2015 international agreement on containing Iran's nuclear programme. Iran is currently seeking to renegotiate that agreement with the United States.

However, the UN team could not determine if the weapons were transferred directly from Iran, and if the transfer was done after 16 January 2016, the date on which Resolution 2231 came into effect.

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