08/26/2004, 00.00
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Mexican bulls for Shanghai's first ever Spanish-style corrida

Shanghai (AsiaNews/Agencies) – In October Shanghai will host Mainland China's first ever bullfight. However, only the matadores will hail from Spain for the bulls will have to come from elsewhere because of a Chinese government ban.

Organisers of the event had hoped to bring six taurine specimens from Spain. Unfortunately, Spain is on China's list of countries affected by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BCE or mad cow disease). As a result, Spanish bulls are not welcome.

Whether from Mexico or other countries organisers promise that the bulls will "be as fierce as the Spanish ones".

The Shanghai Sport Association has spent almost 20 millions yuans (about US$ 2.5 millions) to bring three Spanish bullfighters and six fighting bulls.

The four-hour show will take place on China's National Day, October 6. Tickets will be on sale next month but the price has yet to be set.

Organisers hope to pack the 80,000-seat Shanghai Stadium promising spectators the bullfight will have an "original Spanish flavour".

A similar event was scheduled for Beijing but was shelved after running foul of animal rights groups.

In Shanghai media did not mention the animal rights controversy surrounding bullfighting. (DS)

See also
Tamil Nadu, five gored to death in the 'Jallikattu' bull race
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