02/07/2011, 00.00
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MILF divided, Mindanao peace process at risk

Leaders of the Moro National Liberation Front create a new army and leave the line of dialogue supported by the rest of the group. AsiaNews sources emphasize the risk of a new civil war in the Muslim majority region.

Zamboanga (AsiaNews) - Ameril Ombra Kato, one of the toughest leaders of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), has decided to leave the extremist group and announced in a video the creation of a new armed movement. Its goal is to continue the war against the Philippine military and to make Mindanao an independent Islamic state, putting the peace process with the government in difficulty. Kato’s message dates back to on Dec. 6, but MILF only made it known to the media yesterday.

Marvic Leonen, head of negotiations for the government stated that "the separate existence of another armed group, calls into question the ability of MILF to keep their commitments with Manila, ahead of talks that were to be held on 9 February in Kuala Lumpur ". Despite the internal crisis, Ebrahim Murad, MILF leader has ensured that the Islamic group will maintain engagement with the government and try to convince Kato to go back on his position.

AsiaNews sources in Zamboanga, stress that the conflict within MILF could trigger a new civil war. The new group created by Kato, the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) has already attracted membership of over one thousand Muslim guerrillas. According to the source the idea of fighting for an independent Islamic state is still strong among Islamic militants and many would follow Kato.

In August 2008 the leaders violated the cease-fire agreement with the government, leading to the initiation of a new war between the army and MILF, after ten years of ceasefire. Between 2008 and 2010, the leaders ordered attacks against several predominantly Catholic villages. The conflict has caused hundreds of deaths and displaced more than 750 thousand.

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See also
Radio talk-show to foster inter-faith dialogue in Mindanao
Mindanao: spreading a culture of peace through radio
More education for the young and less politicking are the path to peace in Mindanao
Pope prays for Mindanao's Muslims
Fresh talks between MILF and Manila, still no results


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