Jakarta shuts down 22 pro-Islamic State websites
Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Indonesia’s National Anti-Terrorism Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme or BNPT) shut down 22 radical Islamist websites in coordination with the Ministry of Communication and Information.
The sites include www.arahmah.com; www.voa.islam.com, www.ghur4ba.blogspot.com, www.panjimas.com, www.thoriquna.com, www.dakwatuna.com, www.kafilahmujahid.com, www.an-najah.net, www.muslimdaily.net, and www.hidayatullah.com.
Cawidu Ismail, a spokesperson for the minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara, confirmed that the operation took place following a request from the BNPT to shut down illegal sites promoting "false teachings" of Islam.
Over the years, the web saw a rise in fundamentalist and Islamist material posted in Indonesian. Today’s move is the first by an Indonesian government against online Islamic radicalism.
During President Yudhoyono’s two terms in office (2004-2015), when Tifatul Sembiring was minister of Communication and Information, calls for actions against the dangerous propaganda found on these sites fell on deaf ears.
Under pressures from Islamists in parliament, the former minister targeted online pornography rather than religious radicalism.
Before he became minister, Sembring led the Prosperous Justice Party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera or PKS), a radical Islamist political party.
The move against online radicalism follows a recent crackdown on Islamist militants.
This month, police carried out several raids and arrested a number militants linked to the Islamic State group.
On 27 March, police in East Java arrested three militants returning from Syria after they left the embattled country disillusioned by the Islamic State.
03/06/2021 13:39
30/12/2020 12:40