01/10/2011, 00.00
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Iranian plane crashes to the ground in Urumiyeh: At least 70 dead

It is the latest in a long list of accidents in the country. The international embargo prevents Iran from buying spare parts for its aging fleet.

Tehran (AsiaNews / Agencies) - An Iranian airline Boeing 727 has crashed near the city of Urumiyeh, in northwestern Iran. At least 70 people died and 35 were injured in the incident. The plane broke into three sections, but did not explode, and some survivors were able to escape from the wreckage.

Mozafar Mahmoud, head of the Iranian Red Crescent said that there were 106 people on board the Boeing: 94 passengers and 12 crew members. Previously, a local official had said that about 50 people were saved. The plane crashed shortly before landing on the runway of Urumiyeh.

ran has witnessed a growing number of air accidents over the past 10 years. The main reasons for this "black list" are the international sanctions that prevent Iran from buying spare parts, poor maintenance and the advanced age of its civil and military fleet. The worst accident in the country's history happened in February 2003 when a plane of the Revolutionary Guards crashed to the ground, killing all 302 people on board.
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