01/19/2025, 13.50
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Goa and Kandy together for Saint Joseph Vaz

by Melani Manel Perera

Ten years after the canonisation of Sri Lanka’s saint, pilgrims from India travelled to his shrine on his feast day. Bishop Emeritus Vianney Fernando of Kandy expressed gratitude for his gift, urging seminarians to learn to “be zealous missionaries” like him.

Colombo (Asia News) – A group of 117 Goans, including some from Caranzalem and Taleigao, travelled to Sri Lanka to commemorate the feast day of Saint Joseph Vaz on 16 January.

Originally from India, Saint Joseph Vaz, the apostle of Sri Lanka, was canonised by Pope Francis during his 2015 pastoral visit, thus making him the country’s first saint.

Bishop Emeritus Vianney Fernando of Kandy led the Mass on this occasion in the presence of local priests and worshippers at the memorial shrine built in Ampitiya, in the Diocese of Kandy.

The chapel was recently renovated thanks to the efforts of Paul Sequiera, a benefactor from Goa, who took the initiative to renovate its furnishings.

In his homily, Bishop Vianney praised the Church of Goa for donating one of its own sons who became the saint of Sri Lanka.

He urged seminarians preparing for the priesthood not to settle for mediocrity, but to be zealous missionaries, like Vaz, taking him as a model.

“Were it not for the parents of Joseph Vaz, Sri Lanka would not have the Apostle whose feast we celebrate today,” the prelate told the gathering.

During the celebration, the hymn in honour of Joseph Vaz was sung for the first time in the Konkani language, this according to Sr Molly Fernandes.

"Today, I too feel grateful after 10 years to see this place revered with the holiness it deserved, like when I visited it for the canonisation of the blessed,” she explained.

For the religious sister, this pilgrimage is not only a physical journey, but a spiritual one as well, a time of reflection, prayers and renewal of faith.

“By retracing the steps of Saint Joseph Vaz, we honour his unwavering faith and dedication, which have deeply touched the hearts of many,” she said.

“Our journey,” she added, “is blessed with fellowship, inspiration, and the grace of God, as we walk with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the profound blessings that await us on this holy path.”

A large 400-year-old Palu tree still stands at the Shrine of St Joseph Vaz, in Juse Vaz Pura, Maha Galgamuwa. According to locals, Joseph Vaz carried out his ministry among the villagers in the shade of this tree. Now, this ancient Palu tree is supported by concrete columns.

“Locals consider the ground under the shade of the Palu tree to be sacred. They also believe that those bitten by snakes survive after drinking water mixed with sand,” Sr Molly noted.

“The villagers use the sand in their homes as protection against wild animals,” she added. “Elephants still come to the village at night, wading along the banks of the Maha Galgamuwa reservoir, but they do not harm the village.”

The Christian Women Voice movement also paid tribute to Saint Joseph Vaz whom they consider their patron and inspiration.

“We lit a candle to the picture of Saint Joseph Vaz on the 16th of January and promised to make people aware of the Christian faith, practise it deeply, and share the love of God by standing for the voiceless,” they said.

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See also
Catholics celebrating the Blessed Joseph Vaz, “Apostle of Sri Lanka”
Blessed Joseph Vaz to reawaken the mission in Sri Lanka
Catholics prepare to celebrate Saint Joseph Vaz
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