12/09/2004, 00.00
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Genuine integration for immigrants and refugees, says Pope

 Vatican City (AsiaNews) – A dialogue between people of different cultures [. . .] that goes beyond mere tolerance and reaches sympathy," is the model that should be applied to immigrants. It is essential to exclude "assimilationist models that tend to transform those who are different into their own copy, and models of marginalization of immigrants, with attitudes that can even arrive at the choice of apartheid."

The path of genuine integration is what the Pope stresses in his message released today for the 91st World Day of Migrants and Refugees that will be celebrated on January 16, 2005; the topic: Intercultural integration.

In the document, integration is not presented as "an assimilation that leads migrants to suppress or to forget their own cultural identity" but something in which "contact with others leads to discovering their 'secret', to being open to them in order to welcome their valid aspects and thus contribute to knowing each one better. This is a lengthy process that aims to shape societies and cultures, making them more and more a reflection of the multi-faceted gifts of God to human beings. In this process the migrant is intent on taking the necessary steps towards social inclusion, such as learning the national language and complying with the laws and requirements at work, so as to avoid the occurrence of exasperated differentiation." Even in the clash of identities "that often comes about in the meeting of persons of different cultures" there are "positive elements".

In our societies "characterized by the global phenomenon of migration [. . .] it is necessary to recognize the legitimate plurality of cultures present in a country, in harmony with the preservation of law and order, on which depend social peace and the freedom of citizens". "Thus the need arose for a dialogue between people of different cultures in a context of pluralism that goes beyond mere tolerance and reaches sympathy."

"Christians, conscious on their part of the transcendent action of the Spirit, can also recognize in the various cultures the presence of 'precious elements of religion and humanity' (cf. Gaudium et Spes, no. 92) that can offer solid prospects of mutual understanding."

"It will, of course, be necessary to combine the principle of respect for cultural differences with the protection of values that are in common and inalienable, because they are founded on universal human rights. This gives rise to that atmosphere of 'civic reasonableness' that permits friendly and serene coexistence."

"If they are coherent with themselves, Christians cannot give up proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to all creation (cf. Mk 16:15). Obviously, they must do so with respect for the conscience of others, always resorting to the method of charity, as St Paul had already recommended to the early Christians (cf. Eph 4:15). 

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