Even young Asians respond to pope
Vatican City (AsiaNews) "People in China pay much attention to and are very interested in Christianity. However for many today it is difficult to see Jesus in others around them," a twenty-two year-old Shanghai resident, Xing Yuan, told AsiaNews. Xing Yuan's words came when commenting on Pope John Paul II's urging of youth to "see Jesus" and give witness to him among people of their same age.
"What the pope said is difficult, but not impossible. Wanting to see Jesus is important, since many young people don't believe in Catholicism," he said. "The many young people here today (in St. Peter's Square) are a sign of hope for everyone, even for us Chinese."
Yesterday, on the occasion of the 19th World Youth Day celebrated in St. Peter's Square, the pontiff exhorted youth to "not be afraid of going against the grain" in a day and age when "material well-being and comforts are proposed and sought after as primary values".
"Going against the grain" were the words that struck Junichiro Kan the most. The twenty-three year-old from Kyoto on vacation with his parents said,"The pope told us not to give in to the world's temptations, to not be afraid of being Christian. The Holy Father has made me understand that I must live my faith with joy, not fear."
A young Ukrainian in Rome, Vasyl Petiovka, (24, Kiev) said in an enthusiastic voice: "Today I understood that it is important to let Jesus keep watch over us and allow others to see him in us."
"Us young people must not only build a society in which love is victorious, as a testimony to our faith. We must also bear signs of peace everywhere we go. These days there is so great a need for this," he said. (MC)
02/08/2023 17:48