04/26/2010, 00.00
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Dhaka: Silver Jubilee for the Diocesan Priests’ Fraternity

by William Gomes
Thousands of Catholics attend the ceremony. The Fraternity was created in 1985 and has had 235 members, including four who became bishops. Today, 189 diocesan priests work in Bangladesh’s parishes. For the apostolic nuncio, the celebration is “one of the greatest joys”’ he has experienced. For the archbishop of Dhaka, the priesthood means “giving of oneself”.
Dhaka (AsiaNews) – Thousands of prelates, priests, nuns and ordinary Catholics from around the country took part in the special Mass celebrating the Silver Jubilee of the Bangladesh Diocesan Priests’ Fraternity (BDPF). The service, presided by the Apostolic Nuncio, Mgr Joseph Marino, took place last Friday at the Holy Rosary Church in Dhaka.

More than 5,000 faithful, 150 priests from different congregations (PIME, Xaverian Fathers, Jesuits, Franciscans, etc.) and many nuns came together to celebrate the members of the Fraternity, which was founded in 1985. In 25 years, it has had 235 members, including four who were eventually ordained bishop. At present, 189 diocesan priests work in Bangladesh’s various parishes.

The Apostolic Nuncio, Mgr Joseph Marino, presided over the Eucharistic con-celebration, together with the Archbishop of Dhaka, Mgr Paulinus Costa, and many of the country’s other bishops. During the homily, the nuncio said, “I am pleased to have the opportunity to greet the Bangladesh Priests’ Fraternity on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its foundation.”

The prelate added that it is “one of the greater joys that I have experienced since my appointment as apostolic nuncio.”

Finally, he noted the “happy coincidence” between the 25 years of the Fraternity and the ‘Year for Priests’ proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. Citing the Pontiff, the prelate reiterated that the “priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus”.

Mgr Paulinus Costa, archbishop of Dhaka, stressed the “great happiness” that comes with the celebration, adding that it is a “testimony of love, an example of sacrifice, and a witness of the giving of oneself”.

Fr Franco Cagnasso, from the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME), said that the Fraternity is “an instrument for diocesan priests to create an ‘apostolate family’ that can fulfil their needs, which is to be for and among the people of Bangladesh.”

For the Italian missionary, the Fraternity is a way to “stay united” and be “effective” that corresponds to “the diocesan vocation”.

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