12/17/2009, 00.00
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Christmas Novena for flood victims, millions of Filipinos at “Dawn Masses”

by Santosh Digal
The traditional novena Simbang Gabi or Dawn Mass, began yesterday and will continue until 24 December. The gesture is also celebrated by tens of millions of Filipinos living abroad. Organized in all the parishes of the Archdiocese of Manila charity drives to provide the basic necessities for more than 4 million displaced.

Manila (AsiaNews) - Millions of Filipinos yesterday  started the "Simbang Gabi" (Dawn Masses), the traditional novena of prayer in preparation for Christmas that involves all the parishes in the country until 24 December. The novena of this year is dedicated to the victims of typhoons Parma and Ketsana that shattered the country in recent months, causing thousands of deaths and over 4 million homeless. Among the most important and ancient celebrations of the Filipino Catholic tradition "Simbang Gabi" owes its name to the daily Mass which is celebrated for nine days before dawn. For several years the act has also involved the Filipino community abroad, which counts more than 10 million migrant workers.    

"I invite all Catholics to celebrate Christmas with generosity and solemnity - said card. Gaudencio Rosales, archbishop of Manila yesterday before the start of the first novena - and to do this through the nine days of prayer of the Simbang Gabi”.

The tradition of "dawn masses" dates back to the seventeenth century. It was introduced by Mexican missionaries who arrived in the Philippines following the Spanish army. The monks celebrated the function at four in the morning when the cock crowed announcing the new day. This enabled farmers to attend Mass before work on the rice plantations. The practice, once daily, has down the centuries turned a greeting of the world to the "new day" brought by the birth of Christ, focusing on nine days before Christmas. The novena pays particular attention to the figure of the Virgin Mary, to whom we owe the birth of the Savoir.

In addition to sharing moments of prayer, tradition has it that the faithful eat together traditional foods made from rice at the end of the mass. This year the practice has been used to help the people affected by the floods. The Archdiocese of Manila and seven other dioceses have organized together with Caritas various initiatives such as' Hapag - Asa "(Table of Hope), a collection of money and basic necessities for distribution to displaced people after the mass. At the request of many faithful of the parishes have also activated a service of "adoption" which gives refugee families the opportunity to receive a daily sustenance.


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See also
In the Philippines Christmas celebrations begin with “Simbang Gabi”, the predawn Mass
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