Chinese dissident arrested for struggle against “one child” law
Wu said that the police officers delivered a notice, photocopied, in which stated that Mao had carried out "illegal activities". The husband said that the accusations are unfounded.
"For 24 hours every day, since her return police have kept our door under close watch. We could not even visit the doctor. What chance had she to break the law?”, demand’s the activist’s husband. He adds: "We are very concerned ... We do not know where she is."
Mao's arrest follows a spate of such incidents which have highlighted the Government unease over protests relating to the "Jasmine Revolution". Mao, who has three daughters, was dismissed from her job in 1988 in a soap factory after she became pregnant for the second time, thereby contravening the law on one child. In March 2010 she was sentenced to a year and a half of "reeducation through labor" on charges of "disturbing public order".
22/09/2016 11:02