08/12/2009, 00.00
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Bishops of Asia:Eucharist and "local Church", two foundations of continent’s mission

by Santosh Digal
In Manila, the ninth session of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences. 137 delegates, including cardinals, bishops and priests, representing 23 countries, gather from August 10 to 16 to discuss the theme "Living the Eucharist in Asia."

Manila (AsiaNews) - Christianity in Asia "needs a continual renewal” and the “construction of a true local church" capable of dialogue with the cultures, religions and peoples of the continent. These are the words of Msgr. Orlando B. Quevedo, Archbishop of Cotabato (Philippines). The Secretary of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), opened the 9th Plenary Assembly of the body, founded in 1975, sees 137 delegates representing 23 countries of the continent gathering in Manila.  

After the meeting in Korea in 2004, dedicated to the role of the family in Asia, the bishops of the continent are meeting in the Philippine capital for six days of work, August 10-16, on the theme "Living the Eucharist in Asia."  

The ninth meeting of the FABC was opened August 10 with a solemn Mass presided over by Cardinal Arinze, Benedict XVI’s special envoy to the plenary. The prefect emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments recalled in his homily that the theme chosen for the meeting is decisive for the future of the Church in the continent. The cardinal stressed in particular that the Eucharist is "the bread broken for the life of the world", that it "commits us to the poor", it calls bishops to " full ecclesiastical communion" and urges that evangelization is “sharing faith and not proselytizing”.

Opening today’s working session Msgr. Quevedo said that the mission of the Church in Asia "is to continue in making fresh starts". The continent, which is home to 60% of the earth’s population, is awaiting the word of God and offers itself to the Church as a meeting place. For the secretary of the FABC Asia is a land of dialogue on many fronts: with the “brilliant mosaic of ancient cultures that have characterized it’s civilization", with" the most ancient religious traditions of the world: Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam”; with "the millions of people living in situations of need, and representing two thirds of the world's poor”.

  "In many countries - said Msgr. Quevedo - the silent witness of faith is the only way to proclaim the kingdom of God”.  For the bishop of Cotabato Christians of the continent are invited to look at the example of these faithful to nurture a new evangelization. It should start "with the construction of a true local church" especially attentive to young people and the poor, and committed to the training of the lay faithful to a conscious, missionary faith, capable of genuine participation in community life”.

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Bishops of Asia: in the Eucharist the hope for the transformation of our continent
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