The announcement over the weekend by President al-Sharaa, who confirms the commitment to build ‘a new state’. He should remain in office for five years and lead the country to the writing of the new Constitution and the first post-Assad political elections. The Kurds have rejected the new government, denouncing the lack of (real) involvement of minorities.
A Taipei emergency team waited in vain for two days without being allowed to enter the country, devastated by an earthquake. The perverse interweaving of political issues and rescue operations for people under the rubble. No entry even for foreign journalists. A ceasefire is essential so that aid does not also become a weapon of war.
The Eurasian military alliance has presented new guidelines for law enforcement operations to be applied in all member states to prevent ‘terrorist infiltration’. Last year 420 illegal organisations were identified, but there were also many summary actions against Tajiks after the attack on Krokus City Hall. Dushanbe is insisting that its citizens fully legalise their residence status in Russia by the end of April.
During the Angelus, the pope expressed "concern" for South Sudan, where the 2018 peace agreement has collapsed. He calls on all sides to “put aside our differences”. Meanwhile, in Sudan, where an "appalling humanitarian catastrophe" persists, the international community must "increase efforts". Francis called for peace in Ukraine, Palestine and Myanmar, “which is also suffering so much from the earthquake. He told the Missionaries of Mercy that “forgiveness is the source of hope.”
The prelate released a message on behalf of the Bishops' Conference while hundreds are still under the rubble. Despite the natural calamity, Myanmar’s air force conducted air strikes yesterday. Twinned with Myanmar for many years, the Archdiocese of Tokyo expressed its closeness. Showing its resilience, St Michael's Church in Mandalay will rise out of the rubble for a third time.
Making Russia and America “great again”, MAGA and Russkij Mir, is nothing more than the dream of returning to a world in which two great empires ruled and all the other countries submitted. It is not about conquests, but about the losses suffered, and returning to the top of the world helps overcome fears of further losses.