In Oceania too, dependence on creditors has grown, a problem at the centre of Pope Francis' appeal for the Jubilee 2025. With clear political will, the serious situations in other countries could still be avoided, but there is still little awareness. On 24 May, a global 24-hour “Relay for Peace” will start from Samoa to raise awareness.
A move to increase tax revenues, but risks undermining domestic production that had experienced a period of strong expansion. The association that brings together operators expresses great ‘concern’. For experts, a tax regime ‘that incentivises locally assembled vehicles’ is preferable.
A medal in memory of ‘For honour and dignity’ for the young activist found dead in January in Ukraine, where she had gone to confront the Russian invasion. Her image with her bleeding face during the 2020 protests in Minsk is a symbol of Lukashenko's violent repression.
Dialogue and mutual exchange are the Holy See’s “weapons”, the apostolic nuncio to Jordan told AsiaNews. The Jordanian government is committed to “paths of reconciliation”. Aid is flowing constantly from Jordan to Gaza. Syrian refugees are cautious but eager to return home. Some 50,000 have already made the trip. The new Latin church on the Jordan River shows the “vitality of the Christian community”.
Today’s weekly general audience was dedicated to Jesus’s meeting with the Samaritan woman. While the pope recovers at Casa Santa Marta, his catechesis notes that Jesus is waiting for us “at the crossroads in our life” where we least expect him.
After activist Mahrang Baloch was jailed on Saturday, her sister has complained on social media about the poor conditions of detention. Some families recently tried to retrieve the bodies of their loved ones, but Pakistani authorities claimed the bodies belonged to the Baloch terrorists responsible for the attack on the Jaffar Express train. The situation has degenerated with shots fired at unarmed protesters demanding the truth about missing persons. Meanwhile, protests continue in several cities in Balochistan.