04/28/2005, 00.00
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Japan: 56% of Women Who Aborted Felt Sorry for Baby

Tokyo (AsiaNews/LifeSiteNews) - A Government survey in Japan has found that 55.9 percent of women who had had an abortion said they felt sorry for the fetus; 15.2 percent said they blamed themselves for the experience. 

The survey of 890 women conducted by a research group with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in cooperation with the Japan Family Planning Association also found that one in six women between 16 and 49 years of age has had an abortion.

According to the Japanese newspaper The Asahi Shimbun, the survey found 5.5 percent of the respondents said they supported abortion rights unconditionally, while 59.9 percent said they supported abortion rights under certain conditions. Seven percent said they did not support abortion rights under any circumstances.

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