08/09/2024, 11.46
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With Move Forward now history, Thai opposition sets up new parliamentary group

Today's headlines: For the USCIRF, Afghanistan under the Taliban is experiencing a "continual and significant” decline in religious freedom. Indonesia and Japan want to eliminate trade barriers and strengthen bilateral trade. Israeli fighter jets hit Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. Vietnam is going after Falun Gong members.


Move Forward, the main opposition and largest party in Thailand’s parliament, announced a new name and leadership, following a Constitutional Court decision on Wednesday to disband it for proposing legislation allegedly undermining democracy and the monarchy. It will now be called the People's Party and will include all 143 lawmakers from the old party under the leadership of 37-year-old Natthaphong Ruengpanyawut.


According to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Taliban-ruled Afghanistan is experiencing a “continual and significant" decline in religious freedom. The Taliban regime continues “to repress and significantly stifle any action or behavior that does not conform with their strict interpretation of Islam,” targeting minorities.


Indonesia and Japan have agreed to amend an economic pact aimed at reducing, or completely removing trade barriers to boost bilateral trade. Japan will cut import tariffs on 112 Indonesian items, including fishery products, fruits, food, and beverages. Indonesia will improve market access for 25 Japanese products, including stainless steel and autos.


China's special envoy to Myanmar, Deng Xijun, arrived in Naypyitaw yesterday for talks with the country’s military leaders. This follows the junta’s loss of its northeastern command in Lashio, in the northern state of Shan. In the past few weeks, Myanmar’s air force has been attacking schools, hospitals, markets, hotels, and religious buildings in liberated areas.


Israel has launched operations late last night in Lebanon and Syria. In southern Lebanon, Israeli planes struck a Hezbollah command post in Hanouiyeh, and a launch platform in Aita al-Shaab, injuring several civilians. Syrian state media report that at least four soldiers were wounded in an Israeli airstrike in central Syria, resulting in serious “material losses”.


Members of Falun Gong (a spiritual movement founded in China in 1992, but banned by Beijing and under strict surveillance in Vietnam) have a negative impact on security and public order, warns Vietnam’s Interior Ministry. For this reason, the authorities discourage participation in the group’s activities and seek to prevent the creation of "illegal organizations"


The Russian banks are in a major crisis due to a shortage in yuan, the Chinese currency that has now become the main instrument of payment. This follows a decision by Chinese banks to refuse payments, fearing US sanctions. Rates rose to 20 per cent on the interbank market, and the cost of the yuan reached record levels, 10 times higher than normal.


In Tajikistan, the price of liquefied natural gas, the local fuel of choice, has suddenly jumped by more than 30 per cent in just over a week, from US$ 0.53 (5 somoni and 60 dirhams) to US$ 0.68 cents (7 somoni and 20 dirhams) per litre. However, the country’s anti-monopoly service blames this “temporary fluctuation” to recent developments in the supply chain.

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