12/07/2021, 11.57
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Taiwan guest of honor at Vatican's '100 Nativity Scenes' exhibit

The fourth edition of the event inaugurated.  Ambassador Matthew Lee: the Pope teaches us that the encounter between cultures is the best way to promote peace. Performance by the Taiwanese dance company Yang Yu Lin. Msgr Fisichella: Art, culture and music to build bridges.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Taiwan was the guest of honor at the inauguration of the fourth exhibition of "100 Nativity Scenes in the Vatican". Taipei's ambassador to the Holy See, Matthew S.M. Lee, said he was very honored by the invitation, "Pope Francis told us that the encounter of cultures is the best way to promote peace and brotherhood, that's why we are here, in line with the teachings of the Holy Father, and I hope that all this will bring us more peace, fraternity and joy."

The event was held on December 5 under the Bernini Colonnade in St. Peter's Square. Presiding with Ambassador Lee was Msgr. Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.

Those present were able to appreciate the performance of the Taiwanese dance company Yang Yu Lin, thanked by Msgr. Fisichella: "Culture, art and music know no boundaries, they speak a universal message that everyone can understand in order to build bridges".

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