09/13/2024, 09.33
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Pyongyang releases images of uranium enrichment facilities

Today's news: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal released on bail; Indonesia proposes inclusion of fish milk in free meals for children; Chinese modern history researchers are finding it increasingly difficult to do their work; Israel conducts a ground operation in Syria; Tajiki crackdown in the Pamir.


North Korea for the first time released pictures of centrifuges that enrich uranium, which, at a certain concentration, can become fuel for nuclear bombs. State media described dictator Kim Jong Un's visit to the Nuclear Weapons Institute, without clarifying when the visit took place and where the production base is located, reiterating the threat of ‘vassal forces led by the US imperialists’.


Although Beijing wants to increase academic exchanges, scholars working on modern Chinese history argue that censorship is making it impossible to conduct independent research. In recent years, more and more researchers who had managed to visit China in the past have been denied visas. Document research ‘has basically gone out of fashion because it has become too complex, difficult and dangerous,’ said Daniel Leese, professor of modern Chinese history at the University of Freiburg.


This morning the Supreme Court granted bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who has been in jail for five months for alleged money laundering. The Aam Aadmi Party leader had increased commissions for alcohol sellers, a policy that was later cancelled. According to his supporters, the arrest had been orchestrated by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.


President-elect Prabowo Subianto proposed the inclusion of fish milk instead of cow's milk as a dish in the country's free meal programme for all children, a policy that has been talked about since Prabowo was elected (he will take office next month). In Indonesia, fish milk is produced from fish protein, processed into powder and flavoured. It has been produced since 2023 with the support of the Ministry of Fisheries to promote local fish products.


Israeli special forces conducted a ground operation in Syria against an underground Hezbollah missile production facility. On Sunday evening, several locations around the city of Masyaf, not far from the border with Lebanon, were hit. Several information sources have learned that this was a bombing that was part of a larger operation.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has postponed his visit to Turkey for the third time, not only because of fears of an international arrest, but according to Middle East Eye also because of the lack of agreement on travel conditions, as the Russian leader had asked Ankara to allow him to fly with the accompaniment of his fighter jets, for fear of attacks.


Amnesty International ‘s latest report denounces the ongoing repression in Tajikistan of the inhabitants of the Pamir mountains, of the Gorno-Badakšan region, which makes up 45% of the country's territory, who are often considered dangerous by the authorities in Dushanbe, with humanitarian activists sentenced to ten or more years of imprisonment with violence and torture, and even several cases of murder.

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