08/22/2010, 00.00
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Pope: Prayer to Mary Queen of Peace, where the absurd logic of violence rages

Mary is Queen because she is with the "least". She is "the first to have passed through the 'narrow gate’' opened by Christ to enter the kingdom of God, a way accessible to the humble." The public veneration of Mary as Queen found in many cities and among evangelized peoples. Greetings to Orthodox youth from Galilee.

Castel Gandolfo (AsiaNews) – To Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace, we entrust the world, especially those places "where the absurd logic of violence rages." This is what Benedict XVI recalled today in his address to pilgrims at Castel Gandolfo before the Angelus prayer, the day when the Church celebrates Mary as Queen. "The Mother of Christ - said the pope - is completely crowned by her Son, thus associated with his universal kingship, as the many mosaics and paintings depict her”.

The pontiff recalled that in her, what Jesus had said many times, was realised: "For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last" (Lk 13.30) ... Mary is the perfect example of the gospel truth, that God humbles the proud and powerful of this world and lifts up the lowly (cf. Lk 1:52). "

"The small and simple girl of Nazareth – he continued - has become the queen of the world! This is one of the wonders that reveals the heart of God's kingship. Of course Mary’s queenship is totally relative to Christ: He is the Lord, who after the humiliation of death on the cross, the Father exalted above all creatures in heaven and on earth and under the earth (cf. Phil 2:9-11). By a design of grace, the Immaculate Mother was fully involved in the mystery of the Son: his Incarnation, his earthly life, at first hidden in Nazareth and then manifested in the messianic ministry, his Passion and Death, and finally, the glory of his Resurrection and Ascension to Heaven. The mother shared with her Son not only the human aspects of this mystery, but by the power of the Holy Spirit in her, she also shared its deep intention, the will of God, so that her whole life, poor and humble, was raised on high, transformed, glorified passing through the "narrow gate" which is Jesus himself (cf. Lk 13.24). Yes, Mary is the first that has passed through the "way" opened by Christ to enter the kingdom of God, a way accessible to the poor, those who trust in the word of God and are committed to putting it into practice".

"In the history of cities and peoples evangelized by the Christian message - concluded Benedict XVI - there are countless testimonies of public veneration, in some cases, even of the royal institution of the Virgin Mary. But today  especially as children of the Church, we renew our devotion to her as Mother and Queen, left us by Jesus. We entrust to her intercession our daily prayer for peace, especially where the absurd logic of violence rages, so that all people will be persuaded that in this world we must help each other as brothers to build a civilization of love. Maria Regina Pacis, ora pro nobis”.

After the Marian prayer, the pope greeted those present. Among them, speaking in English, he greeted some young Orthodox Christians from the Galilee.

Photo: CPP
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