10/04/2023, 12.11
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Pope at the opening of the Synod: 'Let it be a place of grace, beyond fears'.

On the raised altar before St Peter's basilica the Mass that began the work of the Assembly together with the new cardinals. "Let us beware of the temptation of a rigid Church that arms itself against the world and looks backwards; of being a lukewarm Church, that surrenders to the fashions of the world; of being a tired Church, folded in on itself"

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "If the holy people of God with their pastors, from every part of the world, have expectations, hopes and even some fears about the Synod that we are beginning, let us remember that it is not a political gathering, but a convocation in the Spirit; not a polarized parliament, but a place of grace and communion."

These were teh words of Pope Francis today in the homily for the Mass which - in St. Peter's Square - opened the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the theme: "For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission" which will continue in its first session until Sunday 29 October. The new cardinals created in the Consistory of 30 September were also present to concelebrate.

Taking inspiration from the Gospel passage proposed by the liturgy, the Pope invited us to speak about the attitude of Jesus in a moment of "pastoral desolation": John the Baptist doubts that Jesus is really the Messiah, many cities he passed through did not convert, the people accuses him of being a glutton and a drunkard (see Mt 11:2-24).

Francis observed that because of this desolation "Jesus has a gaze capable of seeing beyond: he praises the wisdom of the Father and is able to see the hidden good that grows, the seed of the Word welcomed by the simple, the light of the Kingdom of God that it leads the way even in the night."

And this is precisely what the Pope asks of the 365 members of the Synod, which for the first time alongside the bishops also includes a quota of priests, religious and lay people representing the entire people of God: "We don't need an immanent gaze,  of human strategies, political calculations or ideological battles," he warned. "We are not here to carry out a parliamentary meeting or a reform plan. We are here to walk together with the gaze of Jesus, who blesses the Father and welcomes those who are tired and oppressed."

He invited us to start again from the blessing and welcoming gaze of Jesus: "The primary task of the Synod - he explained - is to be a Church that looks at humanity with mercy. A united and fraternal Church, which listens and dialogues; a Church that blesses and encourages, that helps those who seek the Lord, that beneficially shakes the indifferent, that initiates paths to initiate people into the beauty of faith. A Church that has God at the center and which, therefore, is not divided internally and is never harsh externally. This is how Jesus wants the Church, his Bride”.

A hospitable Church, not with closed doors. “A Church with a gentle yoke - continued Francis - which does not impose burdens and which repeats to everyone: come, weary and oppressed, come, you who have lost your way or feel distant, come, you who have closed the doors to hope : the Church is here for you”.

A Church with doors open "to everyone, everyone, everyone", the Pope said three times. Inviting us to guard against some dangerous temptations: that "of being a rigid Church, a customs office, which arms itself against the world and looks backwards; of being a lukewarm Church, which surrenders to the fashions of the world; of being a tired Church, closed in on itself".

On the day in which the Church celebrates the liturgical memory of Saint Francis he quoted the words of the Crucifix of Saint Damian: "Go and repair my church".

"The Synod - commented the pontiff - serves to remind us that our Mother Church always needs purification, to be "repaired", because we are all a People of forgiven sinners".

Saint Francis himself "in a time of great struggles and divisions, between temporal and religious power, between the institutional Church and heretical currents, between Christians and other believers, did not criticize and did not lash out against anyone, only taking up arms of the Gospel: humility and unity, prayer and charity. We too do this", concluded the Pope, recalling that "the Holy Spirit overcomes our predictions and our negativities".

In the afternoon the work of the Synodal Assembly will continue with the first general congregation in the Paul VI Hall which - according to the style of the synod itinerary - has been set up with many small tables, to encourage discussion between the members of the Synod in the smaller circles.

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