02/12/2018, 13.55
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Pope and Bangladesh leader discuss coexistence between religions and Rohingya

The Church's contribution to the country, especially in education, was discussed. So was the government’s commitment to peaceful coexistence between the various religious communities and defence of minorities and refugees.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Bangladesh's commitment to peaceful coexistence between religions and to the defence of minorities, with "appreciation" for what the country does for Rohingya refugees, were at the centre of talks that Ms Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, had today in the Vatican.

A statement from the Holy See described the talks as “cordial”. The press release said that “good bilateral relations were evoked, and satisfaction was expressed for the Holy Father’s recent apostolic trip to Bangladesh and for the keen participation in the event on the part of the population, including many non-Catholics.”

"Attention then turned to the contribution of the Church in the country, especially in the field of education, and on the effort of the State in promoting the peaceful coexistence of the various religious communities and in the defence of minorities and refugees, expressing appreciation for the reception of the Rohingya and hope for a just and lasting solution to their ordeal."

After meeting with Pope Francis, the Bangladeshi prime minister met with Secretary of State Card Pietro Parolin together with Under Secretary for Relations with States Mgr Antoine Camilleri.

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