10/30/2017, 15.11
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Nationalist party: India is not a country for Christians

Today, a Shiv Sena editorial states that India belongs to the Hindus. Since the Bharatiya Janata Party has been in power, the violence against the Christians has intensified. In 2015, 365 episodes of violence occurred.

New Delhi (AsiaNews / Agencies) - India is primarily a Hindu country, and then all others according to the Hindu radicals of Shiv Sena, Bjp (Bharatiya Janata Party) in Maharashtra. With an editorial published this morning on "Saamana," the group's press organ, they say: "There are more than 50 countries for Muslims. Christians have countries like America and Europe. Buddhists have China, Japan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Hindus have no country other than this. "

The editorial resumes and "corrects" what Mohn Bhagwat, the head of the RSS (Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh, Hindu ultranationalist paramilitary formation) said last October 27. At a conference in Indore, he had said that "Hindustan is a Hindu country, but that does not mean that it does not belong to others", referring to other religious confessions.

Nationalists have long argued for the birth of a Hindu Confessional State, even though the Indian constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Since the rise of the Bjp to power in the Union in 2014, episodes of intolerance towards minorities have intensified. Specifically, Christians are accused of extorting conversions, distributing religious material against hinduism, or kidnapping children and tribals to force them to change religion.

Citing the data from the report prepared by the Indian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom reports that in 2015, episodes of violence against Christians were 365, more than three times that of 120 of 2014 These incidents involved more than 8,000 loyalists. The same committee reports that in 2016 the average of the attacks on a Christian religious was 10 per week. In a letter addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 101 Indian intellectuals say that between 2014 and 2016 there have been more than 600 acts of violence. All India Christian Council activists describe the violence in detail: vandalized and burned churches, Christians forced to renounce their faith, interruption of prayers, desecration of tombs and cemeteries.

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