08/14/2024, 19.07
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King Abdullah II warns that Jordan will not be a 'battlefield'

by Daniele Frison

In a stormy Middle East, the Hashemite kingdom stresses its stability, which rests on the 1994 peace deal with Israel. King Abdullah II told Biden that the ceasefire in Gaza is the first step towards de-escalation. He also condemned Israeli Minister Itamar Ben Gvir's incursion at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Protests continue in Amman after Friday prayers in the wake of Ismail Haniyeh’s killing.

Amman (AsiaNews) – Last night, people who saw Iranian missiles and drones fly over Jordanian skies directed at Israel cheered them on.

Some people taped the flight with smartphones, posting them on social media, while a race against time was underway to intercept them, with Jordan playing a fundamental role.

As the threat of another Iranian attack hangs over the region if a ceasefire agreement is not reached in Gaza, King Abdullah II warned three days ago that “Jordan will not be a battlefield for any party” during a meeting with a US delegation, stressing his country’s stability in a region that fears an escalation.

Jordan’s stability is based on the 1994 peace treaty with Israel, which no one questions, and which has also allowed Jordan-backed humanitarian operations in Gaza in recent months.

On 5 August, King Abdullah II, in a call with US President Joe Biden, a key partner of the Hashemite kingdom, stressed the need for de-escalation in the region. Ending the hostilities in Gaza is the first step to prevent the conflict from getting out of hand.

On the same occasion, the Jordanian king firmly condemned the violence of Israeli settlers against Palestinians, underlining how Christian and Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem are also targeted.

Prophetic words since Israeli right-wing Minister Itamar Ben Gvir ventured into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound two days ago to mark Tisha B'Av, a Jewish day of mourning and fasting. The United States, the European Union, the United Nations, and Jordan unanimously condemned the visit as an attack against the status quo.

For Jordan, the visit reflects “the insistence of the Israeli government and its extremist members to flout international laws and Israel’s obligations as the occupying power,” reads a statement by Jordan’s foreign ministry.

Still, Jordan is not immune to regional instability, fuelled by the exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah and the Iranian threat.

Considering the situation, Lufthansa suspended its flights to and from Amman, Tel Aviv, Tehran, Beirut, and Erbil until 21 August, followed by other airlines to avoid Iran and Iraq, considered dangerous.

Tourism, the backbone of the Jordanian economy, has taken a major hit from the turmoil in the Middle East. In Petra alone, 28 hotels with a capacity of over a thousand rooms have closed their doors. The number of tourists fell by about 8 per cent in the first six months of the year over 2023, with a 4.9 per cent loss in revenue.

Within Jordan, protests continue. After starting last March, they have picked up in last two weeks after the killing in Tehran of Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s political leader.

As a sign of the times, Coca-Cola has disappeared from Jordanian supermarket shelves in recent months (replaced by local cola called "Matrix") after Jordanians began to boycott companies accused of supporting Israel.

In their hundreds, protesters gather regularly downtown Amman after Friday prayers, near the Israel embassy, which has been closed for months. Palestinian flags can be seen everywhere in the capital.

The suffering of Jordan’s population, more than half of whom are of Palestinian origin, is palpable.

It is not unusual to find the words "Free Gaza" on restaurant bills, or "Palestine. Dying to live" on the mineral water sold in Jabal al-Weibdeh, a modern and affluent neighbourhood.

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