11/15/2019, 10.02
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Khamenei pardons thousands of prisoners, including 32 activists and political prisoners

The provision in conjunction with the Islamic festival celebrating the birth of the prophet Muhammad. In total, over 3,500 people were freed. The activists in prison were mostly journalists and university students. In February for the 40 years of the Islamic Republic 50 thousand prisoners pardoned.

Tehran (AsiaNews / Agencies) - On the occasion of Mawlid, the Islamic festival celebrating the birth of the prophet Muhammad, the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has granted the pardon to thousands of prisoners locked up in the country's prisons. Among these there would also be 32 prisoners for political or opinion crimes held for crimes related to "security".

According to reports from the site mizanonline.com, in the report released yesterday by the judicial organs it emerges that the 32 prisoners previously arrested for their activism, are mostly journalists and university students. However, the document does not indicate their names.

The total number of detainees released on the occasion of the festival would be greater than 3500. The provision of grace does not concern persons convicted of armed opposition to the Islamic Republic.

According to the report, the pardon has come following the request made by the Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi, one of the most influential religious leaders in the country and now head of the Iranian judiciary.

At the end of October, the Iranian authorities released seven political prisoners on bail, including a Christian convert arrested on faith grounds. Last February, in conjunction with the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Khamenei had pardoned over 50,000 people. This was the most extensive and significant measure in the history of the country.

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