10/13/2022, 08.36
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Kathmandu: 33 dead from floods

Today's headlines: Putin arrives in Kazakhstan for a regional meeting; first death from cholera in Lebanon; a group of Russians called to arms flee to South Korea; Kim Jong Un supervises yet another missile test; In Bangladesh the government is accused of repressing the opposition; Bhutan organises a high altitude race to raise awareness of climate change.


Nepal has also been hit by heavy flooding in recent weeks. At least 33 people died as a result of landslides, while 22 others are missing. Thousands of people in the north-western provinces have been evacuated. Rescuers said they had difficulty reaching mountainous areas due to incessant rains.


At the beginning of the week, the Bangladesh government suppressed - in some cases with violence - demonstrations by supporters of the opposition Bangladesh National Party.  According to the party spokesman, Sairul Kabir Khan, more than 4,000 people were charged with false crimes and the police did not intervene to stop the attacks of the Awami League, the ruling party.


The small kingdom of Bhutan organised a high-altitude running race to raise awareness of the consequences of climate change. The country, 70% of whose surface area is covered by forests, lies sandwiched between China and India, two of the world's biggest polluters. The race route is 203 km long and will be covered by the competitors in five days.


The Uzbek commander Qari Salahuddin Ayubi has decided to cut ties with the Taliban but will not create an anti-Taliban front. The confirmation was given by four of his close aides. Ayubi had been appointed head of Mansouri's corps after the recapture of Kabul, but refused a position in the new government. Another commander had left the group in July.


Lebanon recorded the first case of death from cholera after the disease appeared in the country earlier this month, probably due to an outbreak from Syria. The collapse of the health system in the cedar country has encouraged the spread of the bacteria, according to health authorities. At least 41 people have already died of cholera in Syria.


In a desperate attempt to avoid a call to arms, 21 Russians sailed on a yacht to South Korea but only two of them were allowed to enter the country. According to the Korean authorities, the purpose of their trip is 'ambiguous', local media reported. Meanwhile, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised yet another test of two long-range missiles.


Putin arrived in Kazakhstan today to attend a meeting of regional organisations. Also present was Turkish President Erdogan, who offered to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the dissident Aleksej Naval'nyj was sent to a punishment cell for the sixth time in a row for 14 days, as he announced on Twitter through a message sent by his collaborators, for 'refusing to wash the fence', one of the demands linked to the attempt to form the prisoners' union 'Promzon', 'Defence of the Zone': 'it's nice to feel like Tom Sawyer, but washing the fence is absurd... I only need a book and a glass of water to live'. 


The superior of the Monastic Lavra of the Kiev Caves, Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed), who was arrested on 1 October for illegally exporting precious objects, had travelled to Turkey on the orders of Metropolitan Antonij of Moscow for an ecumenical meeting, and allegedly paid with the icons and precious objects for a long holiday in a luxurious resort in Antalya.

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