Indian woman to lead global Catholic network for migrants
Christine Nathan has been elected president of the International Catholic Commission for Migration. For the first time, the umbrella group for 58 bishops' conference offices, has chosen a person from Asia as its leader. Fight against child trafficking, dignity of labour and protection of women among her priorities.
Rome (AsiaNews) - The Council of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) has elected Christine Nathan, from India, as the new president of this world body that brings together 58 different realities that deal with the theme of migration within the Bishops' Conferences.
The election took place in Rome during the ICMC Council meeting. It is the first time that the presidency of this body has been entrusted to a person from Asia. Christine Nathan comes from the archdiocese of Mumbai and represents the Migrants Commission of the CCBI, the conference of Latin-rite bishops of India, on the International Council.
The new president is an expert in adult and workers' education with over 40 years of experience behind her. She is a member of the Hind Mazdoor Sabha, a major Indian trade union. She has worked with the International Labour Organisation, governments, employers and workers, and civil society organisations on social issues on a national and international level.
According to Christine Nathan, following Jesus today also means 'eradicating child labour, adopting laws and regulations in favour of migrant workers, strengthening inspections to counter migrant child trafficking, and ensuring decent work for workers and families along with equality and gender equality'.
As President, she pledged his commitment to the many fields in which the ICMC works: from the area of refugees, to the fight against harassment and discrimination against migrant workers and their families, from residence law issues to the application of international protection norms and standards in every context.
11/08/2017 20:05
13/06/2020 08:00