10/20/2022, 10.11
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Evin prison fire sparked by clash between guards and inmates

Today's headlines: In Hong Kong, Jimmy Lai may be defended by a British lawyer; Early elections in Malaysia to be held on 19 November; In India unseasonal rains and bad harvests are likely to keep inflation high; Between 2021 and 2022, the Afghan GDP will see a contraction of 30-35%; Ukraine's churches can choose whether to celebrate Christmas on 25 December or 7 January.


The fire at the notorious Evin prison, which killed at least eight people on 15 October, allegedly broke out following a clash between riot police and inmates. The former intervened after choruses were raised in one wing of the prison, extolling the downfall of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.


The city high court granted Jimmy Lai's request to hire a British lawyer for his defence. Charged with threatening national security and sedition, the Catholic media tycoon will go on trial on 1 December. Judge Jeremy Poon stressed that the case will be of "great public importance".


Early elections will be held on 19 November. The majority party (Umno) is given the lead even though its reputation is tarnished by allegations of corruption. Apathy and monsoon rains predict a low turnout. The 97-year old former premier Mahathir Mohamad is running again.


Unseasonal rains and poor harvests threaten to keep inflation high, which peaked at 7.4% in September. Cereals, vegetables, milk, pulses and cooking oil account for a quarter of the price index, and their cost is constantly rising.


According to the World Bank, between 2021 and 2022 the Afghan GDP will see a contraction of 30-35%, and then grow between 2 and 2.4% in the next two years. The Taliban government claims that the poor economic performance is due to international sanctions.


Patriarch Kirill of Moscow presided over the liturgy in honour of the "Muscovite Saints", remembering above all Metropolitan Petr (Volynianin) who, in the 14th century, transferred the main seat of the Russian Church to Moscow, even though he held the title of Kiev. A choice "to reunite the people in a phase of disintegration and weakening of their spiritual life".


The synod of the autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church Pzu, chaired by Metropolitan Epifanyj of Kiev, decided to leave it up to each individual church to decide whether to celebrate Christmas on 25 December or 7 January. The issue is long debated in Ukraine, and the decision will be made 'according to pastoral circumstances and relying on the will of the parishioners'.

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