04/21/2004, 00.00
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Dozens of children killed by adulterated powdered milk

Hong Kong (AsiaNews/SCMP) – Dozens of newborns have died in Anhui after being fed bottles of powdered milk lacking in required nutrients. Meanwhile Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has ordered a "full investigation" of the matters and "severe punishment" of those who responsible for the bad products.   

At least 200 children fed with poor quality milk have developed the "big head" disease, a disorder in which the newborns' heads grow abnormally while their bodies are become ever smaller. Some newborns died on their third day of life after being fed with the powdered milk.  

Authorities became aware of the phenomenon last year when the China Daily reported that 50-60 3 to 12 month babies died of malnutrition. They had been fed with proteinless milk.    

The Government Food and Medicine Administration has opened an investigation. An analysis of the milk's formula revealed that the liquid contained only a sixth of the required amount of protein (0.45% of the average amount of 12%). The milk was also lacking in minerals. The government inquiry has found that this year at least 80 newborns have died of malnutrition linked to the impoverished milk. The figures are only approximate and contradictory, yet the numbers  were high in terms of babies who died or were affected by the impoverished milk.

The defective milk was distributed in stores in Fuyang (a city in Anhui), one of the poorest areas of rural China. Dr. Guo Yuhai, a pediatric specialist at Fuyang People's Hospital, said: "This is a huge disgrace for families and for the nation. It's been at least 20 years since I've seen any such malnutrition in infants. The most important cause of this disease is the poor quality of the milk's nutrients." Dr. Guo said that at least 60 malnourished  newborns had been admitted to the hospital where he works and 8 of them had died so far. Many others died because their parents had kept their babies at home without opting for medical treatment.    

A few days ago Fuying authorities confiscated around 6000 boxes of improperly formulated or expired milk. Fuying's Industry and Commerce Bureau has banned 33 types of powdered milk. Li Tie, deputy director of the local Chamber of Commerce, said that only 10 of the 33 banned products had been analyzed. "We cannot examine all 100 brands on the market, as we don't have funds to do so," he said.    

 "Fake", defective or improperly made products are one of the plagues ravaging Chinese business, especially in the sectors of food and medicine.  
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See also
Melamine found in eggs of two more Chinese companies
Western brands containing Chinese milk also at risk
Nepal bans Chinese milk and dairy products
Death penalty, life sentences in tainted milk scandal not enough for families of sick children
Three babies’ dead, over 6 thousand ill from poisoned milk


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