09/30/2024, 16.22
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Death toll from Nepal’s landslides and floods rises to almost 200

Intense monsoon rains cause havoc. Local authorities report more than 3,000 homes destroyed and at least 14 bridges damaged in various parts of the country. Several roads remain blocked due to debris. The prime minister held an all-party meeting.

Kathmandu (AsiaNews) – The death toll from heavy rains, landslides, and flooding in the past two days in the valley around the capital, Kathmandu, has reached 200 with 194 injured and 30 missing, a spokesperson for the Home Affairs Ministry reported.

Another 4,500 have been rescued, but dozens of homes lay in ruin, a 1,000 in the Saptari district alone, the ministry added, but local authorities put the total number at almost 3,300 homes destroyed and at least 14 bridges damaged throughout the country.

In response to the emergency, Prime Minister Prakash Man Singh held an all-party meeting.

At this hour of crisis, he called on ordinary Nepalis to show unity and fraternity, noting that all government agencies have been mobilised to cope with the monsoon rains.

After three days of heavy rainfall, domestic flights resumed yesterday, although weather services had predicted rain until tomorrow.

Between Friday and Saturday, more than 400 flights were cancelled and roads are still blocked in several places due to landslides.

In Jyaplekhola, along the Prithvi Highway, at least 35 bodies were recovered from stranded vehicles, including a bus, which had been submerged by debris in what is the deadliest incident so far; however police warn that in some places cars are still stranded.

One person told the BBC that the floods were particularly intense this year. “We had run away the last time, but nothing happened. But this time all the houses were flooded,” said Bishnu Maya Shretha. “As the water levels rose, we had to cut the roof and get out. We jumped from one roof to another and finally reached a concrete house.”

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See also
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