02/16/2004, 00.00
pakistan - india
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Dates of conflict and peace (profile)

Hostility between Pakistan (mostly Muslim) and India (mostly Hindu) over the Kashmir region (with a 60% Muslim majority) began in 1947, the year in which both countries earned their independence. Since then two major wars have been for fought for control over of the region in 1948 and 1965.

Since 1989 the amount of claims over the region has increased, stemming from a separatist front fighting for Kashmir's independence. However, both India and Pakistan have ruled this out as a possible solution to the controversy.

In the last few years various episodes of high tension have ensued: after nuclear tests were conducted by the two countries in 1998 and following an attack on the Indian Parliament (probably by Muslim guerilla fighters) in Dec. 2001.

Talks between India and Pakistan were interrupted in 2002 when both countries seemed on the brink of nuclear war. Signs of reduced tension began in Apr. 2003 when India's Prime Minister Vajpayee made an important public address on the Indian Kashmir region, showing the country's willingness to resolve its age-old dispute with Pakistan.

Last November a cease-fire agreement was reached along the 1100 km Line of Control separating the Indian-run from the Pakistani-run parts of the Kashmir region. India then recognized Pakistan for its successful prevention of guerilla strikes.  

Thanks to the truce, the prime ministers from both countries were able to meet in Islamabad at the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit last January.  Moreover, transport along airline, bus and train routes was started up again. Since then diplomatic relations have also been strengthened.  

According to sources in India, the violent diatribe over the Kashmir region has cost the lives of 40,000 persons. Sources in Pakistan say there have been 80-100,000 deaths, while neutral sources say around 65,000 people have died. (MR)
See also
Pope talks about the Middle East, the Holy Land and the food crisis with Bush
Dialogue on Kashmir to start in February
First meeting between Kashmir separatists and Indian PM
India blames Pakistan for Kabul bombing but continues peace talks
India and Pakistan talking again but without a specific agenda


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