10/29/2021, 13.48
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Caritas Karachi helping the evicted

by Shafique Khokhar

Scores of families who lost their homes received financial aid from Caritas Pakistan to pay the rent for new housing. For Archbishop Benny Mario Travas, “God loves everyone, but he is closer to the poor and to those who live in difficult conditions.”

Karachi (AsiaNews) – After being evicted by the government, only Caritas has helped a group of Pakistani Christians and Muslims to obtain new housing.

Recently, the Christian charity has donated money to families from the parishes of St Jude, St Philip and St Michael in the Archdiocese of Karachi.

“Our homes were destroyed and we lived amid the ruins that were left," said Shahid, a local resident, speaking to AsiaNews. "Many people passed by, taking pictures and asked what had happened, but only Caritas helped us” without distinction of religion.

“We are proud to be Christians. Muslims have told us that we are great and some have changed their minds about us,” noted Shahid, who uses a walker since he only has one leg.

Caritas Karachi executive secretary Mansha Noor is behind the initiative to financially support the homeless families.

The charity has so far provided food, hygiene kits, kitchen sets, shelter and cash support for rent to 406 families; but all this “is made possible by volunteers,” he explained. On Wednesday, another 60 families in St Philip Parish received financial aid to pay for rent, also thanks to the contributions of Missio Austria, Caritas Japan and Caritas Italy.

“Caritas is love and charity. It is the social arm of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Pakistan and promotes integral human development,” said Archbishop Benny Mario Travas of Karachi.

“God loves everyone, but he is closer to the poor and to those who live in difficult conditions.” The prelate thanked Caritas staff for their work so far helping vulnerable families in the archdiocese. “Under the leadership of Mansha Noor, the program was brought to a successful conclusion,” he said.

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