08/22/2024, 13.37
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Beatification process opens for lay catechist Laureana “Ka Luring” Franco

by Santosh Digal

Bishop Vergara formally opened the cause of a laywoman who passed away at age 75 in 2011 and dedicated her life to the service of the diocese and the poor in Metro Manila. In 2002 Pope John Paul II had presented her with the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Award.

Manila (AsiaNews) - The Diocese of Pasig in the Metro Manila region and its bishop Msgr. Mylo Hubert C. Vergara have formally opened the diocesan phase of the cause of beatification and canonization of lay catechist Laureana “Ka Luring” Franco.

The prelate confirmed the appointments of the members of the Historical Commission responsible for all the works written by the woman, formerly a member of the Legion of Mary and who dedicated her entire life to the service of the diocese and the poor.

Delegates heard testimonies and handled matters related to the beatification process during an event held yesterday at the Archdiocesan minor basilica and shrine of St. Anne in Taguig City, near the capital.

The postulator of the cause, Erickson Javier, presented the bishop with the “supplex libellus,” which included the biography of “Ka Luring.” During the reading of the document, Javier also mentioned the woman's various heroic virtues as a lay catechist in the Diocese of Pasig. In response, Msgr. Vergara assured that “we continue to pray for the Servant of God's causes for beatification and canonization.”

Better known as “Ka Luring,” Laureana Franco was born in Hagonoy, Taguig City, the eldest of eight children, on July 4, 1936. Despite poverty, her parents went to considerable effort and sacrifice to teach their children the importance of prayer, meeting regularly as a family to pray the Angelus and the holy rosary.

On the strength of this teaching, he led a humble and unpretentious life, far removed from the complexities and temptations of the world.

Over the years he developed his faith by cultivating it over time and finally deciding to join the Legio Mariae, where he was able to strengthen even more his already deep devotion to Our Lady.

In 2002 Pope John Paul II presented the catechist with the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Award, following the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice pontifical honor she received in December 1990.

She died in 2011 at the age of 75 from ovarian cancer. In February 2024, the Diocese of Pasig, which includes Taguig, announced Franco's candidacy for sainthood, and on July 10, the Vatican recognized the Filipino lay catechist as a servant of God.

Tracing her biography, in the 1960s she served for some time as a switchboard operator for the Philippine Air Force, a job she left in 1969 to become a full-time, unpaid catechist for the Legion of Mary.

She was also one of only two women authorized to administer Communion and the first lay minister in the Archdiocese of Manila. Her profound spirituality and devotion to the service of the poor earned her recognition, as well as started the process toward recognition of sainthood by the Church with the title “servant of God” before potential canonization.

Laureana “Ka Luring” Franco dedicated her life to helping the underprivileged, especially in her community in Malabon, Metro Manila, as well as being known for her acts of charity, humility and depth of life in prayer.

Her dedication to the sick and poor was especially noteworthy, as she often provided care and assistance to those in need without seeking recognition some for her efforts. Her life of service and virtue inspired many, and her cause for canonization reflects her impact on those who met her along the way.

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