07/02/2024, 18.39
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Archbishop Gallagher urges respect for international law for peace in the South China Sea

In Manila, the Vatican Secretary for Relations with States spoke about Sino-Philippine tensions over sovereignty and maritime rights, recently highlighted by a direct clash at sea of the two countries’ navies. On the divorce law, the archbishop stressed that “the teaching of the Catholic Church with regard to marriage is very clear,” but “it is a matter for the bishops” to deal with.

Manila (AsiaNews) – The Holy See is calling for every effort to be made to peacefully resolve, as in all other conflict situations, the crisis in the South China Sea, this according to Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, who is in the Philippines for a five-day visit.

Today, the Vatican's "foreign minister" met with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr and his Philippine counterpart, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique Manalo.

At a joint press conference, the Vatican’s top diplomat answered a question about rising tensions between the People's Republic of China and the Philippines over sections of the South China Sea, which Beijing arbitrarily claims as its own.

The current confrontation is particularly harmful for Philippine fishermen, as China’s Coast Guard is using increasingly strongarm tactics to stop Philippine trawlers. A few days ago, a Philippine navy vessel was even boarded near the Spratly Islands, which the Philippines considers as part its own exclusive economic zone.

"The position of the Holy See is quite clear," said Archbishop Gallagher in his answer. “In such situations of conflict, whatever they are, first of all, that every effort must be made, that any differences, conflict, are resolved peacefully. We would encourage parties in conflict to abide by  international law, and to pursue [. . .] that as a way of resolving difficulties and problems with the best interests of all involved."

Archbishop Gallagher told reporters that he was happy to be back in the Philippines, where he worked at the nunciature in Manila in the early 1990s. He also stressed that the Holy See follows the life of this country, its people, and its migrants who "assist the Church in the propagation of the Christian message through their example and their hard work”.

Secretary Manalo, for his part, spoke about the many other areas of cooperation between the Holy See and the Philippines; in particular, he explained that an agreement is in the works for the recognition of ecclesiastical degrees issued by the pontifical universities, for the benefit of the many Philippine priests and religious sisters who study in Rome.

He also underlined Pope Francis' attention to the crises caused by climate change, which even in the Philippines hit hardest the poorest and the most vulnerable.

Asked about a politically hot issue currently debated in the Philippines, namely the divorce law approved by the lower house of the Philippine Congress before going to the Senate, the Vatican diplomat, said that "the teaching of the Catholic Church with regard to marriage is very clear, very well known," noting that at the pastoral level it is up to the Bishops' Conference and each bishop to address the issue.

Tomorrow Archbishop Gallagher travels to the large southern island of Mindanao where he will meet with Philippine bishops, who are currently conducting their plenary assembly at the Abbey of the Transfiguration in Malaybalay, Bukidnon province.

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