02/15/2011, 00.00
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Seoul, Church launches “New Life Project"

by Theresa Kim Hwa-young
Drawn up during the last National Congress for life, the project aims to operate on a social level against the high number of miscarriages and low birth rates that plagues South Korea.

Seoul (AsiaNews) - The Korean Church is in the front line against abortion and for increasing the birth rate in the country: the Episcopal Commission on Bioethics and pro-life groups operating in the country have joined forces during the "Mass for Life" celebration to launch the "New Life Project" in South Korea

The function was held at the Cathedral of Seoul, Myeongdong, on 7 February. The project was conceived and proposed at the National Congress for life, which took place July 9 and 10 in Umseong in the central province of Chungcheongbuk-do.

Among the most ardent promoters are Pro-Life Activities and Committee for Life of Seoul, the emanations of the Korean Catholic Church. In addition, the project has the support of the Permanent Council of the Korean Bishops' Conference.

Specifically, the "Project for the birth rate is composed of cycles of prayer, educational activities for couples and young people and advertising projects that aim to increase popular participation. In particular, we pray for single mothers, try to help disadvantaged family situations and explain pro-life education in parishes and Catholic schools.

Father Gabriel Chang Bong-hun has taken on the responsibility of president of the conference of the "New Life Project” and has appointed several representatives - including those movements and organizations - for the different areas of project development.

The problem of abortion and low birth rate has always been one of the areas where the Korean Church is most committed. Preaching the importance of family and birth as an instrument of development of society and the economy, Catholics have earned the respect of public opinion in Korea.
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